CECILY has left the room

29 Jan 2021 07:23 #1 by homeagain
apnews.com/article/cicely-tyson-9a513c3b...cb3e6fc1327088cfd06b ....

We have a void now....I dreaded this day (just like I dread the day Jack Nicklson,the actor,not the golfer, will no longer be here.

THE CRAFT, that each of them has brought to the screen, is beyond description. For Cicely,"the walk" in the AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF MISS JANE PITTMAN
was explained by her. She was a absorbing the character(like she always did)and inhabiting this DIGNIFIED,determined woman. In some of the last
scenes of the movie.her make up was adroitly aged....her demeanor, likewise, was expertly crafted. She related that it became obvious to her that the KEY was her body movements when she walked. The scene of a determined,decidedly old woman,ever so slowly, walking down the path to a drinking fountain (for whites only)and drinking water from it....then SLOWLY turning around and making her way back.....WAS DONE IN ONE TAKE....IT was an iconic image and spoke eloquently of the struggle against racism in the day.....

Jack Nickelson was on the tv series"inside the actor's studio".....the premise of the show is to teach young.budding actors THE CRAFT....One student
asked about line delivery. Jack's reply was "what does the director want?" THAT then dictates how U deliver. He then proceeded to take a famous
line from a movie,(forgot which one) and delivered the EXACT SAME WORDS........in 5 different ways....each conveying something different, he
is THAT expressive/expert in his craft.

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29 Jan 2021 11:21 #2 by FredHayek
Replied by FredHayek on topic CECILY has left the room
Miss Tyson worked well into her 90's. We used to watch her on "How To Get Away With Murder". She played the lead's feisty mother. Such an amazing career.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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29 Jan 2021 13:13 #3 by homeagain
Replied by homeagain on topic CECILY has left the room
“It don't make no kind of sense. Big old ox like Grady won't sit next to a colored child. But he eats eggs-shoot right outta chicken's ass!”
Cicely Tyson - Sipsey

OR "secrets in the sauce" as she shuffled past the detective OR in The Help,when her slender,aged fingers
slid up the door frame...lovingly touching the numbers on the frame...marking the heights of the child
she raised as a nanny.

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