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Jeffco League of Women Voters reports on Colorado’s severance tax
Tuesday, April 12, 2016, 09:15am
Hits : 164
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Contact Call Janet at 303-674-7755

Jeffco League of Women Voters logo

PRESS RELEASE For immediate release
March 23, 2016
Contact:  Ellen Stiner
303-526-7446 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Jeffco LWV reports on Colorado’s severance tax

A severance tax is paid to compensate for the removal of a “nonrenewable” resource from the land such as oil, gas, molybdenum, oil shale and coal. The tax is designed to offset the resource loss and lessen the impact of removal. Colorado’s primary source of severance taxes comes from oil and gas and totaled $292 million in the fiscal year ending June 2015. The League of Women Voters of Jefferson County will discuss Colorado’s severance tax provisions and distribution at its April 12-14 public unit meetings. The League meets in the foothills at 9:15 a.m. Tuesday, April 12, at Highland Rescue Team Ambulance District, 317 S. Lookout Mountain Rd., Golden 80401. Call Janet at 303-674-7755 for information. An evening meeting also is available; call 720-254-5741.


Location Highland Rescue Team Ambulance District, 317 S. Lookout Mountain Rd., Golden 80401
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