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Split & Steak 2016
Saturday, September 17, 2016, 08:00am - 05:00pm
Hits : 62
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Contact Donna Prescott 303-838-4161

Donna Prescott
Conifer Community Church
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Conifer Community Church Firewood Ministry Annual Kickoff Event
Split & Steak” is Saturday September 17, 2016
Conifer, Colorado: The sawdust and wood chips will fly again at the 7th Annual Split & Steak scheduled for Saturday September 17th starting at 7:30am. This annual event joins the entire community in an effort of gathering, cutting, splitting firewood to supply to those in our area who cannot afford to purchase this vital heating source for their homes each winter. This effort combines the resources of Conifer Community Church, Boy Scout Troop 400, Mountain Resource Center, and NOW EVERGREEN NEWCOMERS & NEIGHBORS (ENN). The name of the event is derived from the massive amount of wood split on this Saturday morning kickoff combined with the unbelievable steak and potato meal served at the conclusion (for a small $10 contribution).
If there’s one wood event to participate in during the year, this is it! If you have not experienced Split & Steak, you don’t want to miss it. God is active in the mountain community of Conifer, Colorado. Please join us; if you are able to assist with this community-wide, community-reaching, community-building event, contact Donna Prescott at Conifer Community Church 303-838-4161 to volunteer or get additional details. Volunteers meet at Conifer Community Church, 9998 Havekost Road, Conifer, CO 80433 (adjacent to Ace Hardware just south of Barkley Road along US Highway 285). Get a front row seat to Split & Steak by watching our YouTube video:
Volunteers are needed as:
 Fetchers
 Kitchen
 Slicers
 Coffee
 Dicers
 Registration
 Movers
 Setup
 Shakers
 Tear Down
 Deliverers
 and more!

There are also needs for equipment loans – Canopies, ice chests, splitters, silverware, and more! For the small price of sweat and $10, enjoy a very large, tasty steak, potato, dessert, and more. No salad will be served to take up valuable steak space on your plate. You can’t get more steak for less. Anywhere. We are also seeking sponsors for a scout or corporate partner! We are looking for $10 donations to provide a free meal to our out-of-church volunteers – Boy Scouts, Corporate Partners (First Bank, 285 Rental, and
others), and Community Partners (Mountain Resource Center and others). In 2015-16, we fetched 79.5 cords of wood from 25 donors and we served 87 families in the community with 87.75 cords of wood.

About Conifer Community Church: We are a small- to mid-sized church located in the mountains about 15 miles west of Denver in beautiful Conifer, Colorado. We are one of the oldest churches in the Conifer area, established in 1953. CCC is truly a community church, made up of people from almost every Christian tradition you can imagine, and yet who have found unity in spirit and purpose in their relationship with God. For more information about who we are and what we believe, please visit our website:

Location Conifer Community Church 9998 Havekost Rd, Conifer CO 80433
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