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Center for the Arts Evergreen Annual EVENING FOR THE ARTS fundraiser!
Saturday, October 15, 2016, 05:30pm - 11:00pm
Hits : 193
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Contact 303-674-0056

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Please join CAE and your arts community on Saturday October 15 at El Rancho Brewing in Evergreen Colorado!

An Evening in Paradise: A Tropical Escape fill feature live music all night long by Subject2Change, A Polynesian Show of Music and Dance, Catered Buffet Dinner, Festive Tiki Bar, Silent Auction, Dancing, Art and a ton of fun! CAE's "Arts Person of the Year" will be honored at this event as well. Please come dressed to impress in your favorite tropical themed attire!

Tickets $75/person (includes dinner and live entertainment with all proceeds going directly toward support the arts in the community)


Location El Rancho Brewing Company, 29260 US Hwy 40, Evergreen CO 80439
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