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EPRD 2017 Summer Concert Series
Wednesday, June 21, 2017, 05:00pm - 09:00pm
Hits : 234
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2017 EPRD Summer Concert Series sponsored by Honey Smoked Salmon

Join Evergreen Park & Recreation District (EPRD) for the 20th anniversary season of Evergreen's best summer fun, the EPRD SUMMER CONCERT SERIES! Every other Wednesday this summer, make your way to Evergreen Lake House to gather with friends and neighbors, experience a variety of music and have a great time! This is a free admission, picnic-style event. Feel free to bring food and beverages.


What do you get when you blend harmonizing brothers and crushing songs with a whole lotta love? Denver-based power trio SOMETHING UNDERGROUND. Brothers Seth and Josh Larson and their long-time drummer, Trevor Mariotti, were born into musical families. That deep-rooted connection to music is ever-present in their seamless delivery of the many styles they perform. Rock, reggae and funk are just a few of the vehicles they use to move their audience.


AUGUSTUS is the June 21 Opening Act. Harvested from the most significant American musical movements and rooted in truly good songwriting, this Boulder-based rock trio is taking Colorado by storm. Formed in late 2013, Augustus released their debut EP, "The Common Collapse," to critical and commercial success and has been building a steady following due to their captivating live shows.


The show goes on rain or shine. All ages are welcome and admission is free. Feel free to bring a blanket, lawn chairs, and any food and 3.2 beer or wine. If you set up a popup or sun shelter, please keep to the edge so you do not block the  stage. We have several food trucks and merchandise vendors at the concerts.




Parking is limited, so please carpool if possible. A limited number of free parking spaces at Evergreen lake are usually filled by 4:30 PM. VIP Parking passes are SOLD OUT for Summer 2017.




Shuttle buses run from parking lots at Wulf Rec Center, 5300 S Olive Rd, Evergreen, CO, and Christ the King Catholic Church, 4291 Evergreen Pkwy, Evergreen, CO.




Please leave pets at home. If you must bring your dogs, keep them on leash and clean up after them. 




The EPRD Summer Concert Series is on Facebook and Twitter. Sign up for newsletter updates here!


Location Evergreen Lake House, 29612 Upper Bear Creek Rd, Evergreen, CO 80439
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