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Life Ring Secular Recovery
Thursday, March 14, 2019, 06:00pm
Hits : 34938
by boardman

Alcohol or drugs a problem in your life? Try Life Ring Secular Recovery. When nothing works anymore to control your drinking and using, try something new and radical: Abstinence!
LifeRing secular recovery is a network of people who support one another in living free of alcohol and other mind altering drugs. In LifeRing meetings your religious and spiritual beliefs, or lack thereof, remain a private matter.
LifeRing serves as an alternative or complement to 12-step programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous. We support any and all paths to recovery.
Come to a Life Ring Meeting! Thursday nights at 6:00pm in Evergreen, Co. 1232 Bergen Pkwy, Suite 102, Evergreen, CO. 80439 (Courtesy of Cherry Creek Properties) Check out or find us on Face Book: Life Ring Mountain Chapter

Location 1232 Bergen Pkwy, Suite 102, Evergreen, CO. 80439
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