This stage adaptation of the Academy Award-winning 1994 Disney film follows the adventures of the young lion prince, Simba, the heir of his father, Mufasa. Simba's wicked uncle, Scar, plots to usurp Mufasa's throne by luring father and son into a stampede of wildebeests. Simba escapes, and the unthinkable happens. Simba flees, but returns as an adult to take back his homeland and fulfill his destiny to be king, with the help of his two hilarious and unlikely friends, Timon and Pumbaa. “Lion King KIDS” is a vibrant and exciting tale from the brilliant creatives at Disney. "The Lion King" is a story of love and redemption that touches the heart of everyone, no matter what their age. Rated G.
Mimics Cast: March 1-3 Thurs - Sat @ 7pm
Troupers Cast: March 8-10 Thurs - Sat @ 7 pm
Saturday Matinees both weekends @ 3pm
Tickets: $8—$10