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Evergreen Nature Center Benefit
Friday, August 24, 2018, 05:30pm - 09:00pm
Hits : 189
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Contact 303-670-8264 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Evergreen Audubon Annual Bash and Benefit 2018

Join us for an evening of delicious food, complimentary libations, great company and the opportunity to support a wonderful program. Our theme this year is The Year of the Bird and we’ll have some fun activities to challenge and entertain you!

Enjoy delicious hearty appetizers and complimentary beer and wine as you peruse the fantastic assortment of items at the silent auction tables. Feel free to participate in a little bit of competitive bidding … it’s all for a great cause! In addition to our silent auction and live “Paddle Raise” we’ll have a raffle for some great prizes. Raffle tickets will be on sale at the Nature Center beginning mid-July, and at the Bash.

2 little boys at the microscope tableThe Evergreen Nature Center exists because of the wonderful support of a caring, generous community. Your support at this year’s Bash and Benefit will ensure Evergreen Nature Center remains strong as a pro-active partner in nature education in our mountain area. We get ~7,000 visitors a season, host a dozen school and scout groups and Evergreen Nature Center day camp. Continued funding allows us to reach more visitors and school groups; enhance the Center’s exhibits, grow our programs and find new ways to foster contagious enthusiasm for our natural world. Please invite your neighbors and friends to join us at the Bash, too. The more the merrier!

Tickets are $75 for patrons and $50 for supporters. The ticket price includes complimentary food, wine and beer. We are looking for silent auction items, so if you have a special skill you would be willing to share or know a business that would be willing to donate an item or service please call me at 303-670-8264 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at the Bash!

Location Hiwan Golf Course, 30671 Clubhouse Lane, Evergreen CO 80439
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