Golden High School Holiday Bazaar
Saturday, December 1st
Free Admission, Over 90 Local Artists, Unique Gifts
Here is a list of our current vendors:
Adam Lockwood handmade wooden gifts
Adriane Pilcher Aromatherapy Spray
Alexis Schoonmaker Apparel
Alicia Lamfers furniture, wall décor, holiday décor
Angela Meader wine glasses, crouchet, cards
Annie Emmons paintings
Ashely Kelley clothes
Barb Bliss books Photos
Ben Keller KB Paracords
Beth Barnes Pampered Chef
Bonnie Smith purses, pot holders, dog scarves
Brynda Tuner silver jewelry
Carrieann McDonough Jewelry
Char Pino pens, stoppers, wood and acrylic
Charlotte Bassin World Map Art
Christine Shedron jewelry scarves
Colleen Emory Home Accessories
Colleen Wilkinson nutrition
Cristian Polo Pottery
Dawn Marie Anderson Tshirts
Deb Starkey cosmetics
Falicia Hodges croches items
Fran Butler jewelry/same spot
Gwen Pina ornaments, coasters, placemats
Jackie Felty Candles
Jaime Kugler crochet/knit, baby, oils
Janet Corona Home Decore
Jean Comcowich Origami, lanyards and jewelry
Jen Hensley jewelry
Jennifer Roth Owl Origami
Jodi Crutchfield Soap
Julie Jostad Clothing and accessories
Karren Wilson cards stepping stones Christmas gifts
Kathleen Snead Photography and cards
Kendra Hurd ornaments, clothing, soaps, candles
Kim Luptovic Cards, jewelry, coaster
Kim Meyer Tastefully Simple
Kory Bumgardner PAYPAL
Kristen Mair Gifts
Kristi McGaugh wine gifts
Leane Mahanke wood décor
Lucy Barnes sewing items
Mandy Cooke LipSense
Mary Mittag Miller jewelry
Meghan Leadford Cookies
Melanie Lewis Nails/mani-pedi
Melody Huisjen Arts and Crafts
Missy Vais & Katie Romig clothes
Nadine Haptonstall wooden toys, boxes, horses
Nancy Spawn Crochet and Photographs
Paola Balsa teas and herbal products
Paula Redig soaps
Pauline Aranza-Weez Tupperware
Rebecca Chau Therapuetic Body Wraps
Rene Bumbule Norwex
Rita Jones cards papercrafts stocking stuffers
Ruth Probasco Knitting, scarves, blankets, quilts, parabracelets
Sarah Porkory Signs
Shannon Ratts small lamps, home décor, artwork
Sharon Mahler Dog/cat micrhowave, misc gifts
Shelly Pigeon Jewelry scarves bird feeders
Sofia Meyer non lethal self defense
Stephanie Sharp Coffee beans and merchandice
Steve Decsersznak novelty socks waterbottles
Susan Baldacci Gift of Grace
Terry Bridwell wood bowls, braceltes, vase, coaster
Toni Buford Essential oils and jewelry
Tonya Landis Cookies
Vanessa Harrown Purses and Jewelry
Veronica Mcdaniel cards, notebooks, journals, crochet & sewing