Rocky Mountain Gun Owners is proud to be a leader on Second Amendment issues in Colorado. Since 1998, RMGO has brought state legislators and stakeholders together, to combat the trend of dangerous anti-gun policies. Join us on Thursday March 7th, as we cover “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation and a host of anti-gun legislation introduced in the Colorado State Legislature.
This briefing will be held at Centennial Gun Club (11800 E Peakview Ave, Centennial, CO 80111) at 6:30 PM.
At this briefing you will hear from some of the most influential leaders in the state.
If that’s not enough CGC has been kind enough to offer an hour of free range time immediately following the briefing to all RMGO Members.
If you are not a member, join today for only $30.
*** Light snacks and beverages will be served.
*** RSVP is appreciated but not required.