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EAPL Dog Adoption Event
Saturday, March 16, 2019, 11:00am - 02:00pm
Hits : 477
by Mountain-News-Events

EAPL Thrift Shop

Mark your calendars!

EAPL Adoption Event at our EAPL Thrift Shop
27888 Meadow Dr, Evergreen, CO 80439
Saturday, March 16th
Hours: 11am to 2pm

Stop by our EAPL Thrift Shop and visit some of our amazing pets up for adoption.
Be sure to get your adoption application submitted to be pre-approved so you can adopt a pet on the same day!

Enjoy a shopping extravaganza with our 50% off sale on March 16th!

Location EAPL Thrift Shop, 27888 Meadow Dr, Evergreen, CO 80439
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