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Evergreen Garden Club Meeting
Tuesday, February 11, 2020, 09:00am
Hits : 1474
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Evergreen Garden Club meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every month from September through June. In the summer months, members occasionally organize field trips and participate in an activity called, “Sharing Our Gardens”, when members extend invitations to visit their home gardens, share successes and challenges, and discuss new gardening ideas.

We strive to conduct a Garden Tour every other year. Opposite years, we attempt a Plant Sale. Throughout the year, especially during the summer months, we tend to our Public Gardens and always appreciate a helping hand. These Garden Work Days are a wonderful way to get to know what grows well in our area and opportunities exist to spend time with people who have been gardening in this region for many years. Bring your gardening tools and questions.

For more information on our work days and to volunteer, contact Cheri Luke - Public Gardens.

Evergreen Garden Club (EGC), Inc. was established in 1965. Since then, club members have continuously responded to community needs for beautification at numerous public spaces. Members volunteer their time and abilities throughout the year in such ways as participating at our membership meetings, planting and maintaining our public gardens, and sharing experiences from their own personal gardens. Whether through educational programs or public gardens work projects, EGC members and the community mutually benefit from our club’s existence. By helping out on projects, members gain valuable information from each other on the what, where, how, when, and why of gardening in the foothills and mountains region.

Location Evergreen Fire Rescue, 1802 Bergen Pkwy, Evergreen CO 80439
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