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The Briefings: A National School Safety Symposium
Thursday, February 04, 2021, 08:30am - 03:00pm
Hits : 587
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Practical measures presented by nationally recognized practitioners of school safety.


Winter: February 4-5, 2021 | Summer: July 11-14, 2021

Winter: February 4 and 5, 2021 – This will be conducted remotely; same great content, fewer hugs! Sessions will begin at 8:30 am MST and end at 3:00 pm each day. These will be conducted in 45-minute segments with 15-minute breaks and a one-hour lunch break. Please check back for the agenda which is in progress.

On Thursday you’ll hear from safety specialists who will talk about the most relevant topics. Among these are Frank DeAngelis, former Principal of Columbine High School, speaking about Leadership, and Dr. Jacklyn Schildkraut. 

In the 2018-19 school year, Dr. Schildkraut received a grant to study and conduct a research project for “Implementing and Testing the Standard Response Protocol.” She will present the results of conducting lockdown drills.

On Friday, Carly Posey will open with her dynamic presentation: From Sandy Hook To COVID – 19: Lesson Learned In Crisis. The rest of the day will be Standard Response Protocol and Standard Reunification Method training by John-Michael Keyes and others.

Register individually for $250 and add guests at a discount, or as a team of up to 10 for a bigger discount. Please contact us for any unique needs: 303-426-3100.


Summer: July 11-14, 2021 – $250.00 for early bird registration. This will not change if it is conducted remotely. The location will be determined in early 2021

ABOUT THE BRIEFINGS: A National School Safety Symposium

The Briefings is a nationally-recognized school safety symposium ideally suited for educators, school safety teams, first responders, emergency and risk managers, victim advocates, mental health professionals. Topics explored include lessons learned from traumatic events and new, preemptive school safety measures. The focus is on proactive, measured, and effective methods of keeping schools safe and is designed to provide a number of takeaways that districts, departments, and agencies can implement immediately.

The Briefings have experienced tremendous growth over the past few years. Response to the symposium is always positive and attendees seem eager to share their experience.

The Briefings is not open to the public, and participants will be asked to verify their affiliation with an agency or organization after registration. The Briefings School Safety Symposiums are hosted by The I Love U Guys Foundation.

Contact us: Use the contact form below, call 303-426-3100 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for all inquiries.

Audience: Law enforcement, school personnel, victim advocates, mental health professionals, emergency and risk managers, school safety teams and all first responders.

Register for the Winter Briefings

Price: $250

Location Anywhere - virtual event
Webcam Sponsors
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