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Tips From The Trenches: Does Your Safety Net Have Holes?
Wednesday, December 02, 2020, 04:00pm - 05:00pm
Hits : 77
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Having the right kind and right amount of insurance is a key to preparedness and resilience.

Join the nonprofit organization United Policyholders to learn how to be a savvy and smart consumer when it comes to insuring your biggest asset: your home. With 30 years helping disaster survivors navigate the insurance claim process UP knows what matters when it comes to insurance.

TONIGHT: November 16th @ 5pm How to be savvy about insuring your home from natural disasters.
In this FREE online course, you will learn:
· what disaster survivors wish they would have known about insurance
· what fine print matters
· how to save money in these unprecedented times
· what to do if you are dropped by your insurer
Register for Free Here:

Upcoming Virtual Trainings:
Monday, November 30th at 6pm MT
Register Here:

Wednesday, December 2nd at 4pm MT
Register Here:
*Simultaneous Spanish Interpretation*

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