Tuesday, March 29, 2022, 05:30pm
Hits : 389
Reminder! Our "Meet the Candidates" event is Tuesday, March 29th at 5:30 p.m. in the Auditorium at 1802 Bergen Parkway.
This event is open to the public and you are encouraged to attend. Each candidate will be given time to introduce themselves and answer questions from the public. Questions will be accepted in advance by email to info@evergreenfirerescue.com.
Candidates for the three open Board seats, as listed on the ballot are:
Wayne Hazeldine, Michael Gregory, Jeff deDisse, Kenneth J. Erhardt, Stacey Ballinger, Julie Ann Courim, John F. Putt
Location Evergreen Fire Rescue, 1802 Bergen Pkwy, Evergreen, CO 80439