Wednesday, April 13, 2022, 01:00pm - 03:00pm
Hits : 147
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Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) conducts 4P meetings with each of the counties when Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) solicits projects for the next four-year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). At this meeting, CDOT, Regional Transportation District (RTD) and DRCOG will present an update on recent activities and programs. Local agencies will have an opportunity to present upcoming priorities for the next four years and a list of major development plans.
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+1 440-276-1651, United States
Phone Conference PIN: 249231635
Jefferson County Transportation Action and Advocacy Group / Collaborative Transportation Forum
Mission Statement
A diverse group of state, regional and local entities committed to identifying sustainable, multi-modal transportation needs for 21st century, leading to legislative and funding solutions through the sharing of ideas and smart, forward-thinking discussions.
Countywide Collaborative Transportation Planning
Since 2018, the Jefferson County Collaborative Transportation Forum (Jeffco Forum) has been a working group of local governments in Jefferson County for prioritizing large-scale transportation projects, and seeking grants and funding to complete these projects.
In 2020, the Jeffco Forum became part of the Jefferson County Transportation Action and Advocacy Group (JEFFTAAG) to better consolidate regional collaboration and funding efforts.
Regular Meetings
The Jefferson County Transportation Action and Advocacy Group (JEFFTAAG) meets quarterly. Please see the event calendar. The public is welcome to attend and observe the meetings.
To receive meeting notifications:
- Go to NotifyMe®.
- Scroll to JEFFTAAG Meetings (under "Calendar").
- Click the envelope icon to receive emails or the phone icon to receive texts.
- Follow the system prompts and instructions to complete the sign-up for notifications.
Agendas and Minutes
Agendas and unofficial minutes are available prior to meetings. Official minutes are available after approval.
View Agendas, Minutes, and Related Documents
For questions about JEFFTAAG Meetings, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 303-271-8461.
Location Virtual