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Join the Park County Historical Society to tour Bailey History
Sunday, May 19, 2024, 10:00am
Hits : 79
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Contact Call 303-838-7740 or emial This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more info

The Park County Historical Society will have it's first trip of 2024, right in the town of Bailey! On Sunday 5/19 we will meet at the McGraw Park Heritage Center, to take a trip back in time when William Bailey arrived in his namesake town (formerly Bailey's/Bailey's Ranch) in 1864. His brother in law, Father John Dyer suggested he move there with his sister Ann. We will make the trip from William's Ranch and make our way to the west end of town, reviewing the earlier sections (some are gone) that comprise the town we know and love! We will meet at McGraw Park at 10:00, to start the tour and review our route and sites along the way. (For those coming from the South Park area, you can meet at McGraw Park.) We can eat lunch in Bailey(possibly at Coney Island or bring a lunch) after the tour, and then explore other historic sites in the surrounding area. Come and join us on another historic adventure with PCHS. or visit us on Facebook.

Location McGraw Memorial Park, 9 Wellington Lake Rd, Bailey, CO 80421
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