It’s time to start thinking about the holidays again! We hope you will join us again this year as we sponsor this wreath sale in Marilyn Rhodes’ honor.
If you need the perfect holiday gift, Evergreen Audubon has lovely and reasonably priced balsam fir wreaths for sale. They are fresh, very fragrant and will last into the New Year! They’ll dress up your home and make ideal gifts for your family, friends, coworkers, and clients—both in-town and out-of-town.
We’re offering four 25-inch wreaths AND a new centerpiece!
Wreaths available for in-town pick-up at the Evergreen Nature Center:
Holiday Gift Wreaths (HGW) available for delivery:
New this year:
Payment for all wreaths, both in-town pickup and out-of-town delivery, will be made at order time. To place an order, starting on October 1st, visit the Shop page on our website (
If you cannot order your wreath online or need assistance with your order, please email Linda Engelhart at ">
Wreath Pick-up* at the Evergreen Nature Center is from 10am – 4pm:
* Please contact Linda, at the email above, to arrange for a local business delivery, special delivery, or special special pick-up.
Out-of-town wreaths will be shipped between November 13th and December 8th.
Please support Evergreen Audubon and honor Marilyn. Tell your family, friends, and neighbors. Get ready for the holidays now! Last year this sale generated over $7,000 to support our projects.