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Contact 303-670-4444 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
October is the month when TallGrass begins collecting items for our Veterans Backpack Project. We place travel sized toiletries and men’s underwear into string backpacks to give to our men (mostly) and women who have served our country but have now fallen on hard times. We have a tub in our reception area for your donations and The Wild Game entertainment complex in Evergreen is also a great drop off point. We are accepting donations from now until November 6th!
On Friday morning, November 8, at 8:30 a.m., TallGrass employees, Evergreen Rotarians, and community members will get together at Wild Game to pack about 400 backpacks. We form an assembly line and it takes us about an hour to fill the packs. You are welcome you to join us for this very cool event!

Location Tall Grass Aveda Spa and The WIld Game, Evergreen