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Jefferson County Transportation Action and Advocacy Group Meeting
Wednesday, January 08, 2025, 01:00pm - 03:00pm
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by MMT_Politics
Contact For questions, email Lindsay Townsend or call 303-271-8461
The Jefferson County Transportation Action and Advocacy Group (JEFFTAAG) is a diverse group of state, regional, and local entities committed to identifying sustainable, multi-modal transportation needs for the 21st century, leading to legislative and funding solutions through the sharing of ideas and smart, forward-thinking discussions.

In Person:

Faye Griffin Conference Room, First Floor
Administration and Courts Facility
100 Jefferson County Parkway, Golden


Microsoft Teams: Link to join the meeting.
Meeting ID: 263 654 060 357
Passcode: W24JDY

You can also join by telephone:

Dial: 970-773-5375
Enter the phone conference ID when prompted: 173 387 002#

Meeting Agenda Link:

Link to meeting agenda (PDF).


Location Jeffco Administration & Courts Building, 100 Jefferson County Pkwy, Golden, CO 80401
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