Live Awake: Honor & Enhance Your Psychic Awareness
A Bi-Monthly, 6 Month, Intensive Course Beginning April 2014
(1st & 3rd Wednesdays, April-September 2014)
5:45 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Are you seeking a greater connection to your innate wisdom & healing abilities? Do you feel called to dedicate 4 hours a month to building your spiritual/energetic/psychic awareness in a group setting? Do you want to build community with a dedicated group of individuals who are also choosing to consciously improve their psychic abilities for personal and/or planetary well-being?
We will be Exploring and Enhancing Your Awareness with:
* Clearing, Grounding and Centering your energy
* Energetic/Psychic Ethics & Confidentiality
* "Seeing" beyond your physical sight (Clairvoyance)
* "Feeling" beyond physical touch (Clairsentience)
* "Hearing" beyond audible sound (Clairaudient)
* Releasing Attachment
* The Power of Intention
* The Healing Potential Within
* Psychic Sound Healing for Personal Well-being
* And MORE!
If you feel a strong "Yes!", Please Join Us!
Investment:$100 a month (Payment Options Available)
For more information and/or to RSVP, please contact Abby Rosan:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or (303) 919-0349
NOTE:You MUST RSVP for this class, no drop-ins allowed. You MUST start on the first day of class and be committed, as each class will build from the previous lessons. Creating a strong cohort is also valuable for this class, thus out of respect for others, you must be present for the first two classes (month of April), and can only miss a maximum of 2 classes over the remaining course to retain your space.