Founded over forty years ago, Conifer Newcomers and Neighbors was begun to allow those new to our mountain communities, & those long standing residents, to meet socially and participate in fundraising activities that would enable contributions to deserving non-profit mountain area organizations.
Each year Conifer Newcomers and Neighbors hosts their “Holiday Boutique“, a juried arts & crafts fair, in November. This year on November 8, 2014.
In addition, our membership (numbering over 160) participates in a variety of special interest groups including: Biking Book Talk Bridge Business Resource Garden Club Gourmet Lunch Hiking Jewelry Making Lunch Bunch Mah-Jongg Scrapbooking/Crafts Skiing Snowshoeing Wine Tasting
We meet at 9am the first Friday of the month, Sept through June, at Our Lady of the Pines Catholic Church community room, we welcome everyone to visit and join us!