Why Should you Get Professional Skin Care Treatments? Written by mbannon

Category: Mountain Living  /  Created: 01/16/2017 14:40:00

Typically, you purchase your skin care products from the drugstore, read articles about skin care in magazines and on the internet,and take care of your skin on your own.  However, your skin is the largest organ of your body and deserves professional attention just as your teeth and eyes do.  Seeing an expert and getting professional treatments can benefit your skin in many ways. 

Expert Skin Analysis and Advice
When an Esthetician analyzes your skin, they do so after they have thoroughly cleansed your skin. By analyzing your skin without makeup, your true skin type will be revealed. Your esthetician will create a treatment that is specific to your skin type and your individual needs. She will also provide information on which products to use at home, and provide you with tips on how to take better care of your skin.

Professional Strength Exfoliation
Professional skin care treatments include some kind of exfoliation. During a treatment, a professional strength exfoliation will be used. The exfoliation used is catered to your specific skin care needs which results in smoother skin, tighter skin, and increased cellular turnover.

Professional Extractions
After carefully preparing the skin, the esthetician will gently extract clogged pores and blackheads without causing injury to your skin. Many home care products help to reduce clogged pores, but do not eliminate blackheads. An esthetician will perform manual extractions in a safe and effective way.

Increased Hydration
Whether you have oily, acne prone, dry or flaky skin, every skin type needs hydration. Water is required for your skin cells to survive. Even oily skin needs moisture and healthy skin is hydrated. Professional skin care treatments help to regulate proper moisture for every skin type. 

Increased Circulation
Blood circulation improves the appearance of your skin. During the massage portion of a facial, increased blood flow brings new nutrients to the skin. The result is a glow and radiance that cannot be achieved at home. 

Mountain Glow Skin Care offers a variety of treatments to treat sun damage, fine lines and wrinkles, loss of vitality, tone, and radiance and acne. Other services include facial waxing, lash and brow tinting, lash lifts, and hand, eye, and lip treatments. In January, specials include a customized Eminence Facial for $70, (save $10) Microdermabrasion with a FREE LED Treatment for $70, save $15) and a 10 series Microcurrent package for $700, (save $150). Monthly specials can be viewed at www.MountainGlowSkinCare.com, where you can book online as well. 

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