cydl wrote: ...and now I'm older and just half-fast anyway...
And how many of us who are paying the price of speed have ever stood up and said, sorry you do not like it, but this is the way I am, I work well, I work good but I work fast and I am not going to hang around the park when the grass has been eaten.
In my line of work, I like to work, get it done and go home. If I have 5 service calls, I do what I need to get it done and then call, make sure nothing else then I have the rest of day to do what I want to. If it means skipping lunch to get done then I do it.
I used to work through lunch...but then when I figured out that I was the only one who was affected when I worked through lunch, I pointedly took my lunch. Even if all I did was walk around the block. I was burning out by working through lunch.
I prefer calling myself a steady worker that gets the job done right (usually) the first time. It has put me in good stead with the bosses. If I need to slow down my work and make it last...well, I've learned that art.
What irritates me more than slower workers getting more credit or kudos is when blatant errors are made over and over again and nothing happens. In my work if I made the same mistakes over and over again, I'd be in big trouble because our customers would be complaining a lot.