Jason Lougher is a product of Sheriff Dupnik's office

11 Jan 2011 09:32 #11 by Blazer Bob

CriticalBill wrote: [ I have a feeling that the number of crazy people in this world is increasing and mixed with our increased exposure to sex and violence..... :VeryScared:

That is a disturbing thought. I prefer to think that it is just the "optics" of how small the world as gotten in terms of our ability to communicate.
After all, Lizzy Borden and the Grimm brothers far predated radio, let alone the Internet.

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11 Jan 2011 09:54 - 11 Jan 2011 10:08 #12 by FredHayek

daisypusher wrote: Yes, blaming the parents will begin, but when is blaming the violence of TV/movies/video games (where shooting rampant zombies is rampant) going to happen? I suppose that is no longer in the sights (there is that violent speech again) of the left and is so passe. But a person would think that viewing and actively shooting video game people would be better training for shooting real people than shooting/gun imagery/rhetoric. But currently there seems to be more political hay to be made by targeting (there is that violent speech again) other group(s).

I actually saw another theory that said video games actually decrease crime because the kids are hanging out for hours in their basements instead of out on the streets. And they can act on their violent impulses by game killing people over the internet in combat games.

Actually if you look at the stats, crime has been decreasing since the 1960's. It just seems like there is more crime because we get so much more video of crimes.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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11 Jan 2011 10:03 #13 by Martin Ent Inc
The de-sensitizing of the young due to the games makes for alot of reasons why young people are commiting more crimes.
Look at Columbine, and a few other teen attacks across the US. They were facinated with death and killing, they had hours of games some they changed up for their own personal use.
And the fact that parents no longer have time to spend with them.

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11 Jan 2011 10:05 #14 by Residenttroll returns

SS109 wrote:

daisypusher wrote: Yes, blaming the parents will begin, but when is blaming the violence of TV/movies/video games (where shooting rampant zombies is rampant) going to happen? I suppose that is no longer in the sights (there is that violent speech again) of the left and is so passe. But a person would think that viewing and actively shooting video game people would be better training for shooting real people than shooting/gun imagery/rhetoric. But currently there seems to be more political hay to be made by targeting (there is that violent speech again) other group(s).

I actually saw another theory that said video games actually decrease crime because the kids are hanging out for hours in their basements instead of out on the streets. And they can act on their violent impulses by game killing people over the internet in combat games.

So there's a solution for the gangs in West Denver and Montbello and sexual perverts. Give them all 360's and free subscriptions to Playboy channel.

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11 Jan 2011 10:14 #15 by Nmysys
On the taxpayer's dollars!

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