Crosshairs, Death Threats Now Target Birthers, GOP

11 Jan 2011 10:26 #11 by Residenttroll returns

Scruffy wrote:

residenttroll wrote:

Scruffy wrote: So, RT, my avatar turns you on?

What you can't read what I wrote? Is it because Chris Matthews didn't say it, so you can't comprehend?

I'm reading between the words. We all know what you meant.

Hey Chris Matthews says jump.

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11 Jan 2011 10:50 #12 by Scruffy

residenttroll wrote:

Scruffy wrote:

residenttroll wrote:

Scruffy wrote: So, RT, my avatar turns you on?

What you can't read what I wrote? Is it because Chris Matthews didn't say it, so you can't comprehend?

I'm reading between the words. We all know what you meant.

Hey Chris Matthews says jump.

Well then, you better jump, since you hold him in such high regard.

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11 Jan 2011 11:01 #13 by Jonathan Hemlock
If any one of you will go back in time and remember it has always been the leftist elitists who get the most angry and bitter and then begin to spew their non-sense.

Think back to the time when Harry Reid compared the people opposing ObamaCare to Slave owners. Or Chuck Schumer claiming Americans or the aka "Chattering Classes", don't care about all those "Porky" things within legislation. How about some of Bill Maher's rants, as he claims Americans are too stupid to understand Obama's policy decisions and that Obama should just Dictate what we will have. :VeryScared: How about that idiot, Michael Moore and all of his non-sensical Mockumentaries.

Does anyone remember Nancy Pelosi saying if more people are on food stamps and unemployment, they will stimulate the economy? How about when Barney Frank claimed that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were financially sound and there was no need for Americans to worry? :Loco: Remember when Harry Reid also said, as men become unemployed they become abusive? Or when he called Obama a light skinned Negro? :VeryScared: Even, Michelle Obama once said, "For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country"... all the while disregarding decades of civil rights progress.

This list could go on and on.

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11 Jan 2011 18:27 #14 by Rick

netdude wrote: They don't call him Resident Tranny for nothing.... :VeryScared:

I was reprimanded by a mod for laughing when someone used that word T#@&%y. I guess it's ok depending on who it's aimed at.

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy

George Orwell

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