

Idaho Springs
Annie Abbott
Hello, my name is Annie. I run a small healing practice offering services at the new and full moons of the month. As the world spirals deeper and deeper into learning there are many of us who choose to stay within the boundaries of light, if this sounds familiar then I hope you will be one of the beautiful souls I can get the chance to work with. Here are some ways to know if you are in the ascension Process.
-very emotional with or without reason
-feeling a dis-connection from what you’ve always loved
-a change in thoughts of what actually matters
-a change in your connection to animals or a deeper connection than what was already there
-recent change in eating habits
-relationship roll change
-flow between intense emotions rapidly
-feeling stuck, lost, disconnected, without purpose or feeling as though you do not know your life purpose
If this sounds familiar then Call or message to join the next event or get more information. I hope to be apart of your best journey so far. The journey to find you! What do I want? Who am I?
I will be running a new moon healing on Oct 16th and will need confirmation of attendance on Oct 14th. The new moon healing works with what we hope to increase in. Love, abundance, wisdom, connection, happiness, purpose, health and well-being. I will be running a full moon healing on the 31st and will need conf. By the 29th. This will be the first full moon on Halloween in 19 years. How exciting! Full moon healing works with decreasing energy. Release of toxic patterns, painful loss, spiritual warfare, financial struggles or loss, addiction, anger, weight loss, or old/current pain from love. I Hope to be a person of help and love in your journey of finding who you really are, who you want to be, and who you were put on this earth to be. What do I want? Who am I? Those are your questions and this is where you start.
Annie Abbott

Hello, my name is Annie. I am a reiki master running a small healing practice offering services at the new and full moons of the month. As the world spirals deeper and deeper into learning there are many of us who choose to stay within the boundaries of light. Here’s ways to know if you are in the ascension Process.
-very emotional
-feeling a dis-connection from what you’ve always loved
-a change in thoughts of what actually matters
-a change in your connection to animals or a deeper connection than what was already there
-relationship roll change
-flow between intense emotions rapidly
-feeling stuck, lost, disconnected, without purpose or feeling as though you do not know your life purpose
If this sounds familiar then Call or message to join the next event or get more information. I hope to be apart of your best journey so far. The journey to find you! Who am I? That is where you start!