

BOERA (Bailey Outdoor Education and Recreation Area) is school property that has been developed into an outdoor recreation area for the entire community. World Class Disc Golf, Hiking, Mountain Biking, and Running trails

Open Year Round, Dawn to Dusk

599 Rosalie Road, Bailey CO 80421
BOERA grounds closed May 20-27 for grazingCommunity News, Events, and Calendar05/19/2022 11:33:30
BOERA Opens Registration, Sponsor Search for Bailey Turkey Trot on Nov. 28Community News, Events, and Calendar11/28/2019 18:10:38
BOERA Opens Registration, Sponsor Search for Bailey Turkey Trot on Nov. 28Community News, Events, and Calendar11/27/2019 16:42:03
BOERA Opens Registration, Sponsor Search for Bailey Turkey Trot on Nov. 28Community News, Events, and Calendar11/26/2019 17:46:30
BOERA Opens Registration, Sponsor Search for Bailey Turkey Trot on Nov. 28Community News, Events, and Calendar11/23/2019 15:41:31
BOERA Presents Platte Canyon Fire District with Contribution to Scholarship FundArea Non-Profits & Service Organizations11/23/2019 15:13:24
BOERA Opens Registration, Sponsor Search for Bailey Turkey Trot on Nov. 28Community News, Events, and Calendar11/15/2019 13:47:58
BOERA Opens Registration, Sponsor Search for Bailey Turkey Trot on Nov. 28Community News, Events, and Calendar11/04/2019 21:44:40
BOERA Opens Registration, Sponsor Search for Bailey Turkey Trot on Nov. 28Community News, Events, and Calendar10/25/2019 15:23:33
Foothill Flyers Disc Golf Club Will Host “The Harvest” Tournament at BOERA 10/4Community News, Events, and Calendar09/30/2019 19:17:44
Eighty-Five compete @ Foothill Flyers Disc Golf’s 4th "The Bloom" TournamentCommunity News, Events, and Calendar07/17/2019 08:57:19
Races at BOERA: Colorado Junior Cup May 11, Fangdango May 12Community News, Events, and Calendar05/29/2019 14:23:47
BOERA Awards Three Scholarships at Platte Canyon High School’s Senior AwardsCommunity News, Events, and Calendar05/24/2019 10:54:12
Races at BOERA: Colorado Junior Cup May 11, Fangdango May 12Community News, Events, and Calendar05/10/2019 10:00:05
Platte Canyon High School Yacht Club Competing in the Seventy48Family Room05/03/2019 16:35:06
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