One of things I don't like about nics has come up in relation to Facebook. Some one has sent me a friend request on FB. As you know, on FB you use your real name. Now I really like like this concept, knowing who your friends are and who you are talking to and who is talking to you, etc. The problem is that I don't friend anyone that I don't know either virtually or digitally. The person who wants to friend me, I'm pretty sure is on 285Bound or Pinecam, but by using their real name I have no idea who they are. I have friended people from our 2 sites becaues I recognize their nics or otherwise know them in the real world but that is not so in this case. So if someone sent me a friend request please PM me and let me know your nic so I'll know who you are. Thanks.
My nic on PC was soccermom, hence I spent most of my free time at my daughters soccer games. I decided to change my nic because she only has 1 more year of soccer in HS/Club and I thought I may not be a soccermom anymore. :crying: : I'm hoping she will play in college. :crossed:
So time for a new start, I thought about my sons sports but there is too many to choose from and in 3 years I'd need a new nic. So I decided on my work career of 24 years, as a telecommunications engineer, hence phonegeek
Mine is also self descriptive. A "smith" is a craftsman of one sort or another in a manual labor field. My entire adult life has been spent in the printing industry, and I have always taken pride in the work that I have produced whether it was when I was the photographer for the Canyon Courier while attending EHS, running a printing press, or as a sales rep for a printing company. Smith also happens to be my surname. I also happen to love to read printed materials above reading text on a computer screen, though I admit I enjoy the quick reference capabilities that the computer age has brought us.
Sally Ball, Broker Associate
Keller Williams Foothills Realty
P: 303-838-3000 C: 303-506-7405 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In 2004, while posting on Pineslime, several of the libs tried to marginalize my support for President Bush. Every other post from liberal was name calling...particular "troll." So to irritate the libs, I became RT. In the fall 2008, the PMS put me on a 30 day suspension for telling Lady Jazzer, after one of her daily rants about Bush, to ride out of dodge on the donkey that she rode in's been almost two years. Wow, I actually wrote Lady I will be offering her a rose. Hey Lady Jazzer where's your daily rants about Obama's oil..and why he's not plugging the hole.