So, the site spends a lot of time staring out curse words outside of ‘the ring” Is it worth it? We all know what they are even with the stars and even a 7 year old knows. nobody under 18 gives a crap about this site. So here is your poll.
I said no not worth the time. But yes kids do read this site. It is open to anyone. I know a number who have. They like checking up on their parents too and can give it right back when the parents come down on them. Cracks me up.
“When white man find land, Indians running it, no taxes, no debt, plenty buffalo, plenty beaver, clean water. Women did all the work, Medicine man free. Indian man spend all day hunting and fishing; all night having sex. Only whit man dumb enough to think he could improve system like that.” Indian Chief Two Eagles
I don't know if its worth the time, that's up to you who are doing the editing. Makes the site look better to lurkers and newcomers if it is not too nasty. Doesn't matter much to me.
If you want to be, press one. If you want not to be, press 2
Republicans are red, democrats are blue, neither of them, gives a flip about you.
I said no not worth the time. But yes kids do read this site. It is open to anyone. I know a number who have. They like checking up on their parents too and can give it right back when the parents come down on them. Cracks me up.[/qu
Do kids get confused if the "i" in sh*t is not displayed? Somehow i think they get it.
The site could do it with a auto word censor to save time. I actually started this policy in the beginning of the site because I felt that it was the minimal thing we could do since another site in the area did not allow anything. We thought it was alot of fun to actually say frickin on the site when we first started. LOL I don't have little kids but what if someone does and wants to look at the site with kids in the room. We had a complaint or two a long time ago about being like a night club. I really don't see any reason to get rid of it.
CinnamonGirl wrote: The site could do it with a auto word censor to save time. I actually started this policy in the beginning of the site because I felt that it was the minimal thing we could do since another site in the area did not allow anything. We thought it was alot of fun to actually say frickin on the site when we first started. LOL I don't have little kids but what if someone does and wants to look at the site with kids in the room. We had a complaint or two a long time ago about being like a night club. I really don't see any reason to get rid of it.
I love it when an auto censor changes "cock" to "rooster".
The officer had to [rooster] his weapon before firing. Almost sounds obscene. rofllol