Breaking news: Recall Petition Filed for 3 Jeffco Board Majority Members

26 Jun 2015 16:40 #1 by Mountain-News-Events
Jeffco United For Action
June 26, 2015
Contact: Lynea Hansen
(303) 579-8794

Jeffco Community Pulls Recall Petitions on Three School Board Majority Members

The School Board Majority Members Have Failed to Do What’s Best for Taxpayers & Students
Golden, CO – Today, Wendy McCord a stay-at-home mother of three Jeffco students, along with Michael Blanton a Jeffco father and attorney, and Tina Gurdikian a Jeffco mother of two students and an environmental compliance specialist submitted language to the Jefferson County Clerk’s office to recall the three Jeffco School Board Majority Members – Ken Witt, John Newkirk and Julie Williams.

“We can no longer wait! The Board Majority Members are taking away the opportunity for our Jeffco students to succeed by failing to do what we elected them to do, represent the voice of the entire community and not just those who voted for them. The Board Majority Members regularly disregard input from the community and district staff, including their solo pick for superintendent, Dan McMinimee. The Board Majority Members have gone so far as to limit public comment,and take up to a year to respond with shallow form letters to emails submitted to the Board by their constituents. In the case of facility needs to address increasing enrollment in the north, Board Majority Members have left families in a state of stressful limbo wondering where their children will attend school,” stated Tina Gurdikian.

“The language we submitted as the grounds for recall today clearly outlines why the Board Majority Members are not suited to continue in their elected roles. For over a year, the Board Majority Members have made decisions behind closed doors and violated their own rules as well as state and federal laws. All of this secrecy and lack of transparency has resulted in over 700 educators and countless families leaving Jeffco Schools – this is unacceptable,”continued Wendy McCord.

“Between the broken promises to voters, violating open meeting laws and privacy laws and wasting taxpayer money, I as a Jeffco voter felt it was time to stand up and put an end to the chaos that has overtaken our school board. The board majority members have consistently exhibited a fundamental disrespect for Jeffco parents and students, and their attitude and actions will only cause our students to fall behind their peers, locally, nationally and globally,” concluded Michael Blanton.

Below is the statement of grounds for the recalls that was submitted today.

Jeffco United For Action
“Jeffco School Board President Ken Witt and the School Board Majority have failed Jeffco taxpayers, parents and students. A recall now will:
  • Restore ACCOUNTABILITY: The Board Majority wasted millions of taxpayer dollars, including hiring a novice Superintendent for $280,000--$80,000 more a year than the previous nationally recognized Superintendent of 12 years — and hiding $90,000 each year in legal expenses from the public.

  • Restore TRANSPARENCY: They have repeatedly violated Colorado open meeting laws by secretly making major decisions behind closed doors. They have severely limited public comment at board meetings, bullied students and parents, and released a minor student’s private information in violation of state law.

  • Restore RESPECT: They attempted to censor US History classes, leading thousands of students to walk out of class in protest. Their unprofessional actions have pushed over 700 educators this past year to leave Jeffco schools, most to teach in other districts, because the educators believe the Board Majority’s policies hurt their ability to educate our students.
In the interest of our children, community and schools, we need to send the message that our
kids’ education and fiscal responsibility come before politics.

”Once the recall petition has been submitted, the Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder has seven business days to approve the language. Following that, circulators have 60 days to gather 15,000 signatures for each of the three seats they are seeking to recall.


** We will be doing a large kick-off rally once the petitions are approved and parents will be
available for interviews then.

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26 Jun 2015 16:51 - 26 Jun 2015 16:52 #2 by Mountain-News-Events

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06 Jul 2015 21:54 - 06 Jul 2015 21:56 #3 by Mountain-News-Events

Petition Kick-Off Event
Wednesday, July 8th
Doors Open: 5:30 pm
Program Starts: 6:00 pm
Location: Jefferson County Fairgrounds in the Rodeo Stands & Arena
15200 W 6th Ave, Golden, Colorado 80401

Come join us on Wednesday, July 8th, as we rally to recall the Jeffco School Board Majority!

*Come sign a petition*

*Sign up to volunteer*

*Get trained on how to carry a petition*

*Get your own petition*

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06 Jul 2015 22:52 #4 by Mountain-News-Events
Conservative Jeffco School Board members face recall
By Vic Vela, The Colorado Statesman

For supporters of an effort to recall three conservative members of the Jefferson County School Board, the potential for an off-year election holds a mixed bag.

But will passionately held opposition to the conservative board translate into actual support from Democratic-leaning voters, many of whom sit out non-presidential year elections?

Lynea Hansen, a spokeswoman for Jeffco United for Action, which is behind the recall effort, said there was no alternative besides November to hold an election without the expensive cost that comes with a special election.

Hansen said the seats of two other board members — Jill Fellman and Lesley Dahlkemper — are up in November anyway. So it won't cost anything to include more names on the ballot in an election where school board seats are already being considered.

Neither Fellman or Dahlkemper are seeking re-election, so voters will be able to decide on the seats of all five board members, if the recall effort makes the ballot.

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07 Jul 2015 08:36 - 07 Jul 2015 08:38 #6 by FredHayek
Do we want constant campaigns by using recalls more often? Almost a parliamentary system where if the voter loses faith in the elected politician, they can replace them? Or did the voters of Jefferson County know who they were voting for and should have to stand by their choices in the last election.

In this case, I think the candidates didn't deceive about what they hoped to do if elected. True, they have made mistakes and are learning on the job, but most politicians do.

The Denver Post condemns the JeffCo School Board recall effort saying it is a misuse of the recall law. It was only supposed to be used to recall very corrupt or incompetent officials and has been used very sparingly in the history of Colorado.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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07 Jul 2015 08:38 #7 by jf1acai
With or without the recall, we may have 5 conservatives on the board.

Experience enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again - Jeanne Pincha-Tulley

Comprehensive is Latin for there is lots of bad stuff in it - Trey Gowdy

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07 Jul 2015 09:25 #8 by Nobody that matters
Heads would explode if there's a conservative sweep.

I would enjoy that.

"Whatever you are, be a good one." ~ Abraham Lincoln

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07 Jul 2015 12:40 #10 by ScienceChic
Thank you for those links intheaspens, I appreciate it very much. I would love for everyone to become as informed as possible about this issue and take a stand, one way or another. My goal is to see a 90%+ voter turn-out rate in November so that whatever is decided is truly based on what the county voters want, not a minority.

If any of you see other articles with additional information, please share them here or in our Courthouse political forum thread . This issue is up for debate and analysis - there can never be too much information - and I know we can discuss the issue in a way that allows for everyone's voice to be heard and considered, without acrimony or making it personal.

Everyone's goal is to have the best education system in the state, a fiscally responsible school district that listens to its constituents, rewards our hard-working, great teachers, supports the staff and infrastructure so our kids have safe places to learn, and gets results that we can be proud of from our kids and their schools. How to go about that is always up for debate and modification and that's what creates the strongest institutions around - when the best of all ideas are considered and implemented. Please, share yours!

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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