Not strictly computer related, but phone related. I love having Google Voice Web Search on my iPhone (you speak the search terms instead of typing them in), so I thought I'd pass along this free directory assistance service that can be used on any phone.
It has been real easy to get on Google Voice lately. I had a couple of friends sign up for it and receive it in a week. It took me over 6 months to get on it. For awhile you could only get it if you had an email address that ended in EDU. You can learn more about it here:
One reason I'm switching from the IPhone to an Android phone is because they have a native app for it. The implementation is not very elegant on the IPhone, but that is Apples fault for not allowing the app in the App store. You can learn more about the app here
Also, you can get rid of your text messaging plan if you get Google Voice with a Google number, on Verizon that is a $30 a month savings on a family plan or $360 a year in savings.