Fire Adapted Bailey - Who We Are and What We Do. Join Us!

29 Sep 2018 14:32 #1 by Fire Adapted Bailey
According to the Park County Community Wildfire Protection Plan, “the Bailey area is the largest area of high risk, in that it contains the largest population and amount of development…and is located within and adjacent to heavily forested lands with a high fire occurrence history, including several large fires. It has high values at risk, generally high fuels risk, and high ignition risk.”

Fire Adapted Bailey is a Colorado nonprofit corporation affiliated with Fire Adapted Colorado (FACO), with a working group comprised of:
> FIVE Active Bailey Area Firewise Communities
> Platte Canyon Fire Protection District
> PCFPD Wildland Fire Module
> Elk Creek Fire Protection District
> Coalition for the Upper South Platte – CUSP
> Park County Department of Emergency Management

We are VOLUNTEERS taking action to reduce the risk of wildfire in our communities!

The Bailey Area is defined as the area of north Park County from Woodside at the north end to Kenosha Pass at the south end.

We are currently assessing the Bailey Area's:
> Wildfire Hazard and Response Capability
> Community Values at Risk
> Residential and Commercial Properties at Risk
> Current State of our Mitigation Plans, Activities & Resources
> Current State of our Wildfire Mitigation & Risk Reduction Programs
> Resources and Sources of Mitigation Funding
> Public Engagement Efforts & Partnerships

Our Mission:
To significantly reduce the inevitable impacts to our homes, businesses, schools, infrastructure, view sheds, and watersheds due to a major wildfire event.

"Mountain Strong and Wildfire Resilient Together"

Please contact us with any questions or to receive our emails: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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Our Mission:
To significantly reduce the inevitable impacts to our homes, businesses, schools, infrastructure, view sheds, and watersheds due to a major wildfire event.

"Mountain Strong and Wildfire Resilient Together"

Please contact us with any questions or to receive our emails: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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04 Oct 2018 23:21 - 04 Oct 2018 23:24 #2 by Fire Adapted Bailey
For one man in a Colorado foothills town, watching the Black Forest wildfire explode was almost like looking in the mirror.

In Bailey, John Van Doren invited Black Forest residents to speak there in the hope that he and his neighbors might benefit from lessons learned. That led to a plan.

In the meantime, he adds, a crowdfunding effort will seek to raise money for mitigation of crucial evacuation routes.

Read on to hear more about our goals for our community!

Our Mission:
To significantly reduce the inevitable impacts to our homes, businesses, schools, infrastructure, view sheds, and watersheds due to a major wildfire event.

"Mountain Strong and Wildfire Resilient Together"

Please contact us with any questions or to receive our emails: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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18 Oct 2018 11:45 #3 by Fire Adapted Bailey

The Why
When the Sheriff calls for a wildfire evacuation there will be chaos. The call could happen at any time of day or night.

Hundreds of vehicles may be attempting to evacuate. In the midst of this chaos, it is absolutely essential that our major evacuation routes not be in flames.

Traditional federal and state sources of funds for wildfire mitigation specifically exclude roadway mitigation. Think of this $100,000 project as an investment in our collective safety.
No one is going to do this for us, our Bailey community will have to do this on our own. Just $25 per household would get the job done.

(roadways that could become blocked by a wildfire, trapping 100’s of evacuees)
CR43 & Shelton Road
CR72, Rosalie Rd, Roland Valley Dr
Mt Evans Blvd & Nova Rd

To find out how you can help go to

You can find the whole “Safe Evacuation” story by following this link.

Our Mission:
To significantly reduce the inevitable impacts to our homes, businesses, schools, infrastructure, view sheds, and watersheds due to a major wildfire event.

"Mountain Strong and Wildfire Resilient Together"

Please contact us with any questions or to receive our emails: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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27 Oct 2018 15:30 #4 by Fire Adapted Bailey
Swarms of fast-moving emergency vehicles on restricted roadways, paired with frantic residents escaping from or racing back to their homes in a raging inferno of flames and smoke, could undoubtedly result in a perfect storm of chaos and confusion in the event of a Bailey-area wildfire.

Platte Canyon Fire Protection District Chief Joe Burgett says Bailey-area residents can absolutely count on being impacted by wildfires in the future. According to Burgett, it is not a matter of “if,” but “when, and where.”

Park County Sheriff-elect Tom McGraw warns that “In twenty or thirty minutes, an entire neighborhood could potentially go up in smoke.”

President of Fire Adapted Bailey, John Van Doren, says about 4,500 area homes are currently ill-equipped to handle what experts say is virtually inevitable due to a lack of mitigation along routes getting to those homes, as well as evacuation routes from those homes.

It was against that backdrop of sobering facts and dire warnings that citizens and dignitaries packed into Aspen Peak Cellars in Bailey Wednesday night, for the launching of a crowd-funding campaign to pay for fire mitigation in three specific areas that would be especially vulnerable in the event of a wildfire: County Road 43 and Shelton Road; County Road 72, including Rosalie Road and Roland Valley Drive; and Mount Evans Boulevard and Nova Road.

Thank you to The Flume for their coverage. More here: Citizens unite to protect some 4,500 vulnerable homes in the event of a Bailey-area fire

Our Mission:
To significantly reduce the inevitable impacts to our homes, businesses, schools, infrastructure, view sheds, and watersheds due to a major wildfire event.

"Mountain Strong and Wildfire Resilient Together"

Please contact us with any questions or to receive our emails: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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07 Dec 2018 08:59 #5 by Fire Adapted Bailey
Many thanks to the Park County Regulators for helping share the important message to mitigate. :)

Our Mission:
To significantly reduce the inevitable impacts to our homes, businesses, schools, infrastructure, view sheds, and watersheds due to a major wildfire event.

"Mountain Strong and Wildfire Resilient Together"

Please contact us with any questions or to receive our emails: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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31 Dec 2018 14:41 #6 by Fire Adapted Bailey
Fire Adapted Bailey’s Can We Get Out Alive Crowdfunding Campaign Surpasses $20,000 MILESTONE

When we came to realize that our most urgent need was cleaning up our critical county roadways for a safe evacuation, we had no idea that it would lead us into the uncharted waters of a major crowdfunding campaign. Having little idea of the how and what of crowdfunding, we plunged ahead with a goal of raising $100,000. As of last week, we have raised over $20,000 and today we have a very generous “Santa” match of $5,000 to take us to the $30,000 milestone.

Since our kickoff event in October we have experienced an outpouring of support from the community. The Platte Canyon School District and Platte Canyon Chamber of Commerce have both helped get the word out via their email lists. Many of our homeowners have made generous individual donations. Our campaign has raised wildfire awareness and caused people to look at the fuel loads along our roadways in new and critical ways.

Our business community, non-profits, and civic organizations have been especially generous with both cash and in-kind donations. We need to give special thanks to:

The Girl Scouts of Colorado – Tomahawk Ranch
Burland HOA
House Call Hearing
U-Stor-It Affordable Storage
Harris Park Volunteer Support Group
Mad Jacks Brewery
Platte River Outfitters
Front Range Commercial Windows & Doors
The Fire When Ready Band aka the Barrel Riders
Centennial Insurance
The Mountain Connection
Aspen Creek Cellars
The Park County Regulators

Now is great time to double your donation dollars at:

Our Mission:
To significantly reduce the inevitable impacts to our homes, businesses, schools, infrastructure, view sheds, and watersheds due to a major wildfire event.

"Mountain Strong and Wildfire Resilient Together"

Please contact us with any questions or to receive our emails: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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31 Dec 2018 15:29 #7 by Fire Adapted Bailey

Our Mission:
To significantly reduce the inevitable impacts to our homes, businesses, schools, infrastructure, view sheds, and watersheds due to a major wildfire event.

"Mountain Strong and Wildfire Resilient Together"

Please contact us with any questions or to receive our emails: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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12 Jan 2019 12:10 #8 by Fire Adapted Bailey

Get your groceries TODAY between 10am and 2pm and you will see John Van Doren and crew from (FAB) Fire Adapted Bailey at the entrance. They are collecting donations for the fundraiser to mitigate our evacuation routes. You do not have to be a Bailey resident to donate. As a resident of this "hill", any safety precaution we take will help ALL of us. The goal is $100,000 and we are above $25,000 as of now. Please donate!!
and share this post. GO TODAY, DO IT, DONATE !!

Our Mission:
To significantly reduce the inevitable impacts to our homes, businesses, schools, infrastructure, view sheds, and watersheds due to a major wildfire event.

"Mountain Strong and Wildfire Resilient Together"

Please contact us with any questions or to receive our emails: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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08 Feb 2019 22:16 #9 by ScienceChic
Denver Channel 7 interviewed John about Fire Adapted Bailey! Watch it here:
Preparing for Wildfire Season

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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23 Feb 2019 17:56 #10 by Mountain-News-Events
Congratulations to John Van Doren for being named a 7Everyday Hero!

7Everyday Hero John Van Doren works to cut wildfire risk in Bailey, Colorado
By: Molly Hendrickson, Denver Channel 7
Posted: Feb 22, 2019

BAILEY, Colo. — For people living in Bailey, Colorado, images of Paradise, California are never far from their minds.

"It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of where and when," said Platte Canyon Fire Cheif, Joe Burgett.

"We're the same kind of community; one way in, one way out roads," said Kathy Lower, a concerned resident and volunteer for Fire Adapted Bailey.

It's why John Van Doren is working so hard to make sure his community is ready.

Crowdfunding effort:

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