OCTOBER 11 - Mountain Bowls Project - Bowl Painting Event
Book a bowl painting party with family, friends, groups, churches, scouts. 10:00 - 9:00 p.m. Welcome to bring food and beverages. Or come paint a bowl on your own. $12.00 per bowl. All proceeds benefit Mountain Resource Center's programs and services. Contact Go Paint! 303-679-3089
OCTOBER 12 - Wizarding Event at Go Paint!
Dress in your finest Harry Potter costumes, win prizes for best costume, fun food & refreshments, fun props and you get to paint a canvas of Hedwig! Saturday, October 12th * 10:00 - 11:30 a.m.; ages 7 and up. Don't wait! Registration is limited. Go to
OCTOBER 28 - Spooky Spider Contest
Create a spooky spiderweb plate with your scariest spider at Go Paint! 12:30 - 6:00 p.m. Winners selected October 30th; prizes awarded.