Gallup Poll- 52% of Republicans Want a 3rd Party

10 May 2011 15:16 #1 by Nmysys
Gallup Poll: 52% of Republicans Want Third Party

Tuesday, 10 May 2011 02:36 PM

By Andra Varin
More . . .

More than half of Republicans – 52 percent – say there should be a third political party, a new Gallup Poll says. The poll, released Monday, also found that 33 percent of Democrats want a third party. Gallup said it’s the first time its polls have found a significantly larger number of Republicans than Democrats favoring a third party.

The poll found that 52 percent of all Americans want a third party, down slightly from 58 percent in August.

Gallup said the increasing desire among Republicans for a third party could be an outgrowth of the rise of the tea party movement. The poll found 60 percent of Americans who identify themselves as tea party members want a new party.

“Given that a majority of Americans see a need for a third party, and their level of satisfaction with the way things are going in the country is fairly low, it would not be surprising if a third-party candidate emerged” as a factor in the 2012 presidential race, Gallup’s Jeffrey M. Jones wrote.

Read more on Gallup Poll: 52% of Republicans Want Third Party

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10 May 2011 15:23 #2 by AspenValley
Wanting a new party isn't the same as articulating what a new party should look like.

What should it look like?

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10 May 2011 15:36 #3 by FredHayek
What would a new party look like? A party to the right of the TEA Party? Or would a party that tried to be more moderate actually have a chance?
I am guessing a moderate party that combined the best of the Republican and Democrats would actually not do well. Wouldn't get as many grassroot donations since moderates tend not to donate to political campaigns, only people who believe abortion will be banned, or homosexuals will be allowed to marry donate to early political campaigns.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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10 May 2011 16:46 #4 by PrintSmith
My personal opinion is to revamp the election process, not the number of parties. The reason there are two parties now is that throughout history there have been two camps when it comes to government. Those that want more of it and those that want less of it.

I would much prefer a return to the two equal ballots for president and do away with the whole primary and party ticket nonsense. Let anyone who wants to be president get their name on the ballots in the state and have the populace vote for their choice. Top two vote getters are submitted on the ballot from each state in the Electoral College vote. Winner is president, runner up is vice-president. Imagine the contest that ensues when neither Hillary nor Obama has to get the nomination of their party. McCain and Paul and Romney and whomever else are all on the ballot. You want to open up the elections so that the best person wins? Stop letting the party and the people with all the cash pick who you get to vote for on election day. I know of no better way to stop the special interests from purchasing elections.

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10 May 2011 16:50 #5 by LOL
I'd rather fix the existing Republican party. Kick out the old fogies and start over. Term limits for all. Term limits for party leaders too. Send Pelosi packing.

If you want to be, press one. If you want not to be, press 2

Republicans are red, democrats are blue, neither of them, gives a flip about you.

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10 May 2011 20:38 #6 by Rick
I like the idea PS presented, eliminating the power of special interests would be great and would be more like what was first intended.

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy

George Orwell

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10 May 2011 21:52 #7 by chickaree
Instant run off elections. I could pick a third party candidate but have the Republican candidate as my second choice. I think third party candidates would garner more votes this way. I'd love to see a party that was fiscally conservative and socially libertarian.

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10 May 2011 22:03 #8 by archer

chickaree wrote: Instant run off elections. I could pick a third party candidate but have the Republican candidate as my second choice. I think third party candidates would garner more votes this way. I'd love to see a party that was fiscally conservative and socially libertarian.

what does socially libertarian look like?

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10 May 2011 22:23 #9 by chickaree

archer wrote:

chickaree wrote: Instant run off elections. I could pick a third party candidate but have the Republican candidate as my second choice. I think third party candidates would garner more votes this way. I'd love to see a party that was fiscally conservative and socially libertarian.

what does socially libertarian look like?

I don't like a government that looks like the Church Lady. Moral decisions should be made by the individual, not the state.

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11 May 2011 07:20 #10 by FredHayek
Social Libertarian? Would allow homosexuals to marry, some would legalize drugs and prostitution.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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