New Boat Tax for Evergreen Lake

05 Jul 2010 22:41 #21 by BearMtnHIB
Yes - I remember the bridge protest - they are enjoying that bridge on the western slope and the business association of Evergreen has started a campain to bring back a walkable trail from the lake to downtown. They think it may help to keep more businesses from failing and encourage more people to visit downtown.

There was nothing wrong with the bridge - a few protestors wouldn't even let them finish and paint the bridge.

A $640,000 gift from the Colorado lottery money to the Evergreen community- and a few protestors were allowed to have it torn down.

No other design could be built without costing millions because it was located over the creek- it was a 240 foot single span bridge that would have linked the downtown businesses via a walking trail up to the lake- eliminating the need for the ugly metal stairs you see there today.

So you were in on that huh? I was there when your small group protested. I wish we could get the $640K you guys owe the community of Evergreen back from you, but it's hard to get a list of names responsible for it now.

You owe us!

Now the business group wants it back - and the tourist business that would come with it.

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05 Jul 2010 23:08 #22 by archer

BearMtnHIB wrote: Yes - I remember the bridge protest - they are enjoying that bridge on the western slope and the business association of Evergreen has started a campain to bring back a walkable trail from the lake to downtown. They think it may help to keep more businesses from failing and encourage more people to visit downtown.

There was nothing wrong with the bridge - a few protestors wouldn't even let them finish and paint the bridge.

A $640,000 gift from the Colorado lottery money to the Evergreen community- and a few protestors were allowed to have it torn down.

No other design could be built without costing millions because it was located over the creek- it was a 240 foot single span bridge that would have linked the downtown businesses via a walking trail up to the lake- eliminating the need for the ugly metal stairs you see there today.

So you were in on that huh? I was there when your small group protested. I wish we could get the $640K you guys owe the community of Evergreen back from you, but it's hard to get a list of names responsible for it now.

You owe us!

Now the business group wants it back - and the tourist business that would come with it.

Please stop making assumptions....I did not protest the bridge.....nor was I "in on it".....sorry to burst your little bubble. I was just impressed by the ability of a few concerned citizens to make a difference when it seemed the bridge was there to stay. I have many friends in the Downtown Business Assoc, haven't ever heard any of them wish the bridge was back. Yes, a continuation of the path around the Lake would be nice, and I am sure if the Evergreen residents had a say in what the final project was it would be welcome.

You are arguing against yourself don't like the fee for putting a boat in the water, but seem unwilling to do anything but bitch.....then you chastize some concerned residents for doing more than bitch about a bridge they didn't like and actually have it removed. Which is it? Should residents protest what they see as unfair....or should they just put up and shut up? You complain when the Rec district does something you disapprove of without your consent....then wax poetic about a bridge that Evergreen residents didn't have a say in and resented having shoved down their throat.

I guess it's only a bad thing when you don't get your way.....well Evergreen is a pretty big place and all the residents have a vested interest in it, not just you.

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06 Jul 2010 06:56 #23 by netdude

archer wrote:

BearMtnHIB wrote: Yes - I remember the bridge protest - they are enjoying that bridge on the western slope and the business association of Evergreen has started a campain to bring back a walkable trail from the lake to downtown. They think it may help to keep more businesses from failing and encourage more people to visit downtown.

There was nothing wrong with the bridge - a few protestors wouldn't even let them finish and paint the bridge.

A $640,000 gift from the Colorado lottery money to the Evergreen community- and a few protestors were allowed to have it torn down.

No other design could be built without costing millions because it was located over the creek- it was a 240 foot single span bridge that would have linked the downtown businesses via a walking trail up to the lake- eliminating the need for the ugly metal stairs you see there today.

So you were in on that huh? I was there when your small group protested. I wish we could get the $640K you guys owe the community of Evergreen back from you, but it's hard to get a list of names responsible for it now.

You owe us!

Now the business group wants it back - and the tourist business that would come with it.

Please stop making assumptions....I did not protest the bridge.....nor was I "in on it".....sorry to burst your little bubble. I was just impressed by the ability of a few concerned citizens to make a difference when it seemed the bridge was there to stay. I have many friends in the Downtown Business Assoc, haven't ever heard any of them wish the bridge was back. Yes, a continuation of the path around the Lake would be nice, and I am sure if the Evergreen residents had a say in what the final project was it would be welcome.

You are arguing against yourself don't like the fee for putting a boat in the water, but seem unwilling to do anything but bitch.....then you chastize some concerned residents for doing more than bitch about a bridge they didn't like and actually have it removed. Which is it? Should residents protest what they see as unfair....or should they just put up and shut up? You complain when the Rec district does something you disapprove of without your consent....then wax poetic about a bridge that Evergreen residents didn't have a say in and resented having shoved down their throat.

I guess it's only a bad thing when you don't get your way.....well Evergreen is a pretty big place and all the residents have a vested interest in it, not just you.

You know Archer? You just summed up for some of the conservative/right's attitude in a nut shell. They don't or ever have give a rats ass about anything good for the country as a whole, the state as a whole or their local municipality as a whole... it simply is... what is in it for me, what do I get out out of it... nothing more. It has been and ALWAYS will be a selfish attitude that drives the some on the rights policy, no matter how illogical it is.

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06 Jul 2010 07:33 #24 by 2wlady
$4 to kayak/canoe for 1-2 hours does seem excessive.

And to say it's about SAFETY. That seems to be the "in" word to get what you want up here in the mountains.

I don't live in Evergreen, nor do I use the very small lake there. So I have no vested interest in it.

However, when gov. starts saying it's for safety, it's time to see the statistics to back it up.

Re zebra mussels. I know they are in the Great Lakes. How is the cold in those lakes different from the cold in the mountain lakes of CO? Truly interested to know.

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06 Jul 2010 08:17 #25 by BearMtnHIB

Re zebra mussels. I know they are in the Great Lakes. How is the cold in those lakes different from the cold in the mountain lakes of CO? Truly interested to know.

Lets see if I can clarify this question without getting too complicated.

The cold water in the great lakes is warmer than in Evergreen lake. Or in other words - the cold is colder in Evergreen.

It's about the average yearly temprature - according to the studies I read up on this last weekend. Direct snow melt is what feeds bear creek into the lake - and the temprature and frost frequency is lower in temp for a longer period of time. Since the mussle needs a temp above 54 degrees for a longer period of time than the water in Evergreen provides - this mussel would have a hard time just living here - much less spreading and becoming a problem.

Please stop making assumptions....I did not protest the bridge.....nor was I "in on it".....sorry to burst your little bubble. I was just impressed by the ability of a few concerned citizens to make a difference when it seemed the bridge was there to stay. I have many friends in the Downtown Business Assoc, haven't ever heard any of them wish the bridge was back. Yes, a continuation of the path around the Lake would be nice, and I am sure if the Evergreen residents had a say in what the final project was it would be welcome.

Here's the bottom line on the bridge - the bridge didn't suck. It was a good idea to have it. It was a $640K gift to the community - a gift that Evergreen threw back into the face of the donator. What do you think the chances are that they will want to do anything for Evergreen again?

I guess you did not see the front page article in the Canyon Courier a few months ago about reviving the project of linking the downtown area with the lake via that bridge. The business owners and many residents are now looking to complete the project after it was abandoned years ago.

The boat tax - how do you know that I am not planning to voice disagreement against the new tax or fee - whatever you call it. I just discovered the sign on Sunday - two days ago. I'm still in "pissed off" mode - and I'm venting my outrage about it. Frankly - I thought more of you guys would be on my side.

It's hard to see this from your point of view - seems like your just debating it for the sake of debate. What's so hard to understand about someone like me - who has been taking my cheap kayak to the lake for years now without interference - suddenly discover a sign that basically says -

All boaters must pay extra now- for what you have already paid for.
You might be upset about it too - especially since I thought that bill was already covered.

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06 Jul 2010 09:08 #26 by Scruffy
I assume, BearMtnHIB, that you will also be protesting the fees charged for ice skating on the lake in the winter?

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06 Jul 2010 09:25 #27 by BearMtnHIB
Well - I think we lost that battle years ago, and we probably already lost the battle on the new boat tax as well. The best time to object to these kinds of taxes is when they are being proposed. I was not aware it was an issue at all - I just assumed that the long standing policy would remain as it was. That's the problem with local government these days - take your eye off of um for a second - and they raise every fee and tax they can find, all without permission from the community to do so.

The only reason they are getting away with doing it without a vote from the community is because they call it a fee - and they know what they are doing. The state government just did the same thing to us- and it looks like the governor ticked off enough people that he's not even going to run again.

But on the subject of skating - I remember when if you had your own skates - you could skate on the lake for free. I was just talking to a friend about that very subject on Sunday night. She remembers those days too.

When we were in high school - they started charging all the skaters - not just those who rented skates. Many of us could not afford to pay the fee - we were broke teenagers. So many of us just had to sneak onto the lake - or just sit and watch our friends skate.

I'm not a teenager anymore- and I don't want to break the rules as an adult. I want the long standing policy to remain, as it has been. We are taxpayers now - and we would like to get something for our money - without being "taxed and fee'd" to death.

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06 Jul 2010 11:15 #28 by archer
Again, I don't understand your being against a fee (that was put into effect without your input) and for a bridge (that was put into place without the residents input) Putting aside the fact that the bridge was butt ugly and a blight on the charm of the just showed up one day. The outrage was mostly directed at the fact that Evergreen residents had no say in the design or the placement of the bridge. As it turned out, it was not going to solve the problem of handicap access around the lake the slope was too steep, and in winter too dangerous to even walk on.

I surely would be nice if everything stayed the same in our little town.......but that isn't going to happen. It has grown, and morphed to a point that most long term residents don't even recognize it. That's a fact of life. Now with the economy in the dumps, revenue for Parks and Rec is down, I'd rather see the Rec Dept charge a modest (yes $4 is modest) than have to lay off workers or close the lake to boating because they cannot afford to keep it open for free.

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06 Jul 2010 11:40 #29 by Residenttroll returns

Scruffy wrote: I assume, BearMtnHIB, that you will also be protesting the fees charged for ice skating on the lake in the winter?

Mussels attach to the blades of skates too?

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06 Jul 2010 13:08 - 07 Jul 2010 08:02 #30 by Photo-fish
Yes there was a fee required before Evergreen Park & Rec was formed and took over operations (although poorly enforced). If you weren't paying it then you should have and therefore have no reason to complain about it now. I don't know how they plan to police the people launching from other parts around the lake or what the penalties are if you are caught doing this. If you are caught and your craft shows any signs of invasive speices, I think they should throw the book at you. (IMO)

Calcium levels in Evergreen Lake are approxiamtely 25 mg/l. This is average for this region. Ask the Water Department.

Temperatures in Evergreen Lake can exceded 17 Celcius during the summer (that is 62.2 F). Ask Bear Creek Watershed Association. (see link at bottom of this post) Temps are recorded around the clock at different depths. Sampling and monitoring is performed monthly.

It is NOT about a yearly average temperature. Temperature regulations are based on a WAT or Weekly Average Temperature. There is not much snow left to melt in July -Sept. Evergreen Lake in those months is a big storm sewer that collects sediments and run off from the roadways which get quite hot in the summer. A quick down pour on 100 degree asphalt dumps water that can be as warm as 70 degrees right into Bear Creek and then the lake. Compound this with lower flows into the lake during the summer and your minimum 54 degree F number is blown out of the water.

Mussels are a real and serious problem. Training for inspection took place earlier in June for a few Rec District employees for both levels (prevention & detection). They are now qualified to operate an inspection program (already in place) and to train other staff and community volunteers. Detection and prevention are the key issues. Ask the folks who operate Pueblo Reservoir what the cost is now that the mussels are there compared to the cost of prevention & detection. Nobody wants to say would have, could have or should have when a problem like this arises.

I for one am glad they are taking these steps. Buy a season pass and go more often to cut your loss.

Water quality for Bear Creek (including Evergreen Lake and Bear Creek Reservoir) has been monitored extensively for the past decade. Probably more than any other watershed in this state. This includes studies on the fish, bug life and sediment. Please check out the link below for the data.

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