Glenn Beck's show today 8-19-2010. A must watch for all

19 Aug 2010 16:47 #1 by The Viking
I don't get to watch him very often but was home today and it came on. I don't normally do this but I am highly reccommending that everyone on both sides of the isle watch or record this show. It is not really political at all. It is more educational about our history than anything I have learned in decades. Everyone will learn a lot from just this one hour show. Part 2 is tomorrow, but I can't believe how much I never knew about the beginning of slavery and how we ended it. Who started it and how a black man was the first slave owner. This is a purely educational and not partisan show. If you have never seen him but won't watch him because all that you have heard, you should give him one chance today. If you like to learn history, this is the show to watch.

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19 Aug 2010 16:48 #2 by The Viking
It is on again at midnight on FOX. You really should record it and watch one show.

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19 Aug 2010 16:50 #3 by JMC
As much as it pains me to watch that fool , I will record it and report back my humble impression.

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19 Aug 2010 16:53 #4 by The Viking

JMC wrote: As much as it pains me to watch that fool , I will record it and report back my humble impression.

I respect that. It really isn't partisan today. And I really do challenge first timers to give him one chance tonight. Get past the first few minutes of his cake analogy and it is extremely educational.

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19 Aug 2010 21:39 #5 by mtntrekker
we watch him every week day. don't have to agree with him but he gives a lot of food for thought. the history has been incredible. especially like it when the historian barton is on the show.

bumper sticker - honk if you will pay my mortgage

"The problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." attributed to Margaret Thatcher

"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government." Thomas Jefferson

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20 Aug 2010 08:51 #6 by V_A
I don't watch talking heads on either side of the aisle, nor listen talk radio. There are to many people out there trying to tell us what we should think and way to many people lined up sheep to follow these people. No thanks.

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20 Aug 2010 16:39 #7 by JMC
Sorry , I lost it when the knucklehead said Darwin was the face of modern racism. The total opposite is true. So stupid that his other distortions of history paled by comparison. He may of had a few "facts" right , but his analysis was moronic. He has no real understanding of history just self serving nonsense. I did try,really.

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20 Aug 2010 16:52 #8 by The Viking

JMC wrote: Sorry , I lost it when the knucklehead said Darwin was the face of modern racism. The total opposite is true. So stupid that his other distortions of history paled by comparison. He may of had a few "facts" right , but his analysis was moronic. He has no real understanding of history just self serving nonsense. I did try,really.

How can you possible say the opposite it true when it is still taught in Colleges as such? Here is one article on it and Darwins influence on racism. Glenn Beck was speaking the truth.

Racism and Darwinism

The greatest influence in the sudden development of racism in the 19th century Europe was the replacement of the Christian belief that "God created all people equal" by "Darwinism". By suggesting that man had evolved from more primitive creatures, and that some races had evolved further than others, it provided racism with a scientific mask.

In short, Darwin is the father of racism. His theory was taken up and commented on by such 'official' founders of racism as Arthur Gobineau and Houston Stewart Chamberlain, and the racist ideology which emerged was then put into practice by the Nazis and other fascists. James Joll, who spent long years as a professor of history at universities such as Oxford, Stanford, and Harvard, explained the relationship between Darwinism and racism in his book Europe Since 1870, which is still taught as a textbook in universities:

Charles Darwin, the English naturalist whose books On the Origin of Species, published in 1859, and The Descent of Man, which followed in 1871, launched controversies which affected many branches of European thought… The ideas of Darwin, and of some of his contemporaries such as the English philosopher Herbert Spencer, …were rapidly applied to questions far removed from the immediate scientific ones… The element of Darwinism which appeared most applicable to the development of society was the belief that the excess of population over the means of support necessitated a constant struggle for survival in which it was the strongest or the 'fittest' who won. From this it was easy for some social thinkers to give a moral content to the notion of the fittest, so that the species or races which did survive were those morally entitled to do so.

The doctrine of natural selection could, therefore, very easily become associated with another train of thought developed by the French writer, Count Joseph-Arthur Gobineau, who published an Essay on the Inequality of Human Races in 1853. Gobineau insisted that the most important factor in development was race; and that those races which remained superior were those which kept their racial purity intact. Of these, according to Gobineau, it was the Aryan race which had survived best… It was.. Houston Stewart Chamberlain who contributed to carrying some of these ideas a stage further… Hitler himself admired the author (Chamberlain) sufficiently to visit him on his deathbed in 1927. [2]

The evolutionist German biologist Ernst Haeckel is one of the most important of Nazism's spiritual fathers. Haeckel brought Darwin's theory to Germany, and prepared it as a program ready for the Nazis. From racists such as Arthur Gobineau and Houston Stewart Chamberlain Hitler took over a politically-centred racism, and a biological one from Haeckel. Careful inspection will reveal that the inspiration behind all these racists came from Darwinism.

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20 Aug 2010 16:58 #9 by The Viking
Here is a great link explaining how Darwinism helped to create a scientific base for racism to thrive.

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20 Aug 2010 17:02 #10 by JMC
"Darwinism" has shown that so called race is nonsense and we all evolved from a common ancestor.Nothing that divides us is more irrelevant than race, Darwin proved that, a gross misrepresentation of Darwin. He did that with every "fact" he presented , any excuse to blame government for the problems and praise God, or some supernatural right. Commerce,religion and government reflect good and bad but progress in all 3 is what matters. He just has a philosophy that demonizes reason for faith. Sorry but his interpretation is total nonsense.

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