Glenn Beck's show today 8-19-2010. A must watch for all

20 Aug 2010 17:05 #11 by JMC

The Viking wrote: Here is a great link explaining how Darwinism helped to create a scientific base for racism to thrive.

Very old news and distorted interpretation, Like every scientific discovery , it can be misused. The truth is in the science not faith. Follow one thing he said , learn for yourself and don't take what people tell you as gospel. He WAS right on that. That's why I know he has his head up his ass!

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20 Aug 2010 17:37 #12 by ScienceChic

The Viking wrote:

JMC wrote: Sorry , I lost it when the knucklehead said Darwin was the face of modern racism. The total opposite is true. So stupid that his other distortions of history paled by comparison. He may of had a few "facts" right , but his analysis was moronic. He has no real understanding of history just self serving nonsense. I did try,really.

How can you possible say the opposite it true when it is still taught in Colleges as such? Here is one article on it and Darwins influence on racism. Glenn Beck was speaking the truth.

Racism and Darwinism

The greatest influence in the sudden development of racism in the 19th century Europe was the replacement of the Christian belief that "God created all people equal" by "Darwinism". By suggesting that man had evolved from more primitive creatures, and that some races had evolved further than others, it provided racism with a scientific mask.

In short, Darwin is the father of racism.
Careful inspection will reveal that the inspiration behind all these racists came from Darwinism.

Oh, you did not just go there. This is really, really simple - let's look at this statement right here:

By suggesting that man had evolved from more primitive creatures, and that some races had evolved further than others, it provided racism with a scientific mask.

There is absolutely no proof to back up the claim that "some races have evolved further than others". On the contrary, there isn't even enough base pair differences to truly classify people from different countries as "races" - they are not a different species or race, it is all an artifact of culture. Meaning that racism is based merely in people's heads that they are better than other based on superficial traits like skin color and those who live in the fantasy world that it is such have merely seized onto Darwin's ideas and twisted them to suit their own warped, moronic purposes. Racism existed long before Darwin even existed and was based on Bible teachings that held that Judeo-Christians were a "chosen people". ... and_racism ... nazism.htm

The very idea that the theory of evolution is responsible for the idea that certain races or groups of people are superior to others is so historically inaccurate that it is almost impossible to believe that anyone today could even make such a claim. As we shall see, however, "God" has been the primary justification for the concept of the superiority of one group over another throughout history, not "Darwinism".

And when's the last time you took a college biology course? It sure as hell ain't "still taught in colleges as such".

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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20 Aug 2010 18:10 #13 by JMC
thank you SC , as usual you said it much better than I could.

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20 Aug 2010 18:39 #14 by The Viking
What are you both taking it out on me for? I didn't say it is true that some evolved further and faster than others. In fact I totally don't believe it. But people all over the world use Darwinism to explain why some races are inferior to others. They even still teach it in places. Hitler used it, and so did the people who really started racism and slavery. Don't shoot the messenger. I am just pointing out that what Glenn Beck said last night is factual. People used his theory to progress and justify racism. It doesn't matter that it isn't true. His thoery was used for those reasons too. It is a fact.

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20 Aug 2010 19:10 #15 by daisypusher
The concept that there is a "more/less evolved" suggests that some traits are more "evolved" than others. Is a particular distribution of blood type, the degree of risk for certain diseases or the distribution of skin/eye pigment genes a basis for being more evolved? These are genes/groups of genes, just as there are genes involved with intelligence. So if there is a difference in the distribution of genes associated with intelligence (no one has proved there is not) that also correlates with these other known genetic distributions, then would the people with "more intelligent genes" be more evolved? Or just have a different distribution of intelligence genes? The former is the racist, the later understands that there are recognized differences in gene distribution(s) in the various people's/ethic groups around the world. To rule out that there can be differences in gene distributions that have not been specifically studied is putting your head in the sand. Until it is known what genes are associated with intelligence and their distribution within human populations, any talk that intelligence due to genetic makeup does not have distribution differences among the various world populations has no basis. Just more PC posturing. IMO

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20 Aug 2010 19:37 #16 by JMC
good points DP!

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20 Aug 2010 20:03 #17 by The Viking

JMC wrote: good points DP!

I am so glad there are some really educated people on here to get our points accross like DP and SC. I'm naught a very smot man Jenny.

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22 Aug 2010 14:56 #18 by UNDER MODERATION
Replied by UNDER MODERATION on topic Glenn Beck's show today 8-19-2010. A must watch for all
This is what i'm talking about
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23 Aug 2010 09:10 #19 by mtntrekker
and it looks like glenn beck provided more opportunity for discussion.

cant imagine how anyone learns something contrary to their own thinking w/o checking out other sources.

billy wrote: I don't watch talking heads on either side of the aisle, nor listen talk radio. There are to many people out there trying to tell us what we should think and way to many people lined up sheep to follow these people. No thanks.

you don't have to be a sheep to expand your thinking.

bumper sticker - honk if you will pay my mortgage

"The problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." attributed to Margaret Thatcher

"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government." Thomas Jefferson

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24 Aug 2010 14:11 #20 by AspenValley
Darwin invented racism?


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