"Very Fine People on Both Sides"

26 Nov 2023 23:01 #21 by FredHayek

homeagain wrote: Could provide some examples of the unequal hardships that are presently built into our system? What is holding back women and minorities in 2023 that is a product of an unfair system? Please don't link to someone's opinion that is not based on hard data that can be directly linked to these alleged injustices.

YOU do the fact finding (research),since u want my own opinion.....

HOW MANY FORTUNE 500 CEO'S R WOMAN ?.....men,by far, are the leaders.

PARITY...the wages for women STILL sets at 76 on the dollar compared to men

PARENTING (CHILDCARE).....men still OFF LOAD this to females...the woman takes the time off for dr appt, and caring for the sick child.

BIRTH CONTROL....female responsibility (OMG, "CUT" ME DOWN THERE,AH NO)

MAINTAINING THE KITCHEN DUTIES AND HOUSEWORK...women STILL do double duty, holding down a full time job and house

RESTRICTING reproductive rights and violating women's autonomy. (physician/patient relationship


You want to blame this on men. Why not blame it on women? Why don't they do a better job asserting themselves?

There are plenty of men who are betas who don't assert themselves. Do they blame Alphas? Or do they refuse to take it? Most accept their fate but it isn't the fault of the Alphas. And there are women who are CEO's and political leaders.

Continue with your assertion that men are keeping you down. Or that white males are keeping you down. How do they do this? If you don't like your boss, create your own company. Lots of women have succeeded. They didn't blame men, they took charge.

Are you a victim? Or are you an achiever?

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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27 Nov 2023 09:01 #22 by Rick
The Democrat party can only get and keep power by creating victims and villains. The problem they never see is that there is no such thing as "equality". Nobody is equal to anyone else, everybody is different and everyone has different abilities. They want to pretend that male and female bodies/minds are interchangeable... they are not. God or nature made us differently for a reason, just like in the animal kingdom.

It used to be normal for the men to provide a home, food, and everything else a family needs while the women took care of the family. Both are equally important for a society to survive and thrive. The fact that that "norm" has drastically changed and the results of that change are not always good, tells me that humans are not very good at changing natural order for the better. That may make you angry, but it doesn't mean that I'm wrong. The destruction of the nuclear will be the death of this country imo, along with the willful surrender of our freedoms to a centralized world government.

There are many reasons for differences in pay and you can't make blanket statements without looking at the individual careers and individual circumstances. That goes for everything else on HA's list... circumstances matter a lot.

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy

George Orwell

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06 Dec 2023 07:45 #23 by FredHayek

Despite President Trump losing by 10 million votes, Democrats are still running scared that President Biden will lose this time.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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06 Dec 2023 08:29 #24 by koobookie

FredHayek wrote: Despite President Trump losing by 10 million votes, Democrats are still running scared that President Biden will lose this time.

What liberals are concerned about is Trump abusing presidential power for personal vendettas.

“Under no circumstances, you are promising America tonight, you would never abuse power as retribution against anybody?” Hannity asked Trump in the interview taped in Davenport, Iowa.

“Except for day one,” Trump responded. “I want to close the border and I want to drill, drill, drill.”

Trump then repeated his assertion. “I love this guy,” he said of the Fox News host. “He says, ‘You’re not going to be a dictator, are you?’ I said: ‘No, no, no, other than day one. We’re closing the border and we’re drilling, drilling, drilling. After that, I’m not a dictator.’”


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06 Dec 2023 08:49 #25 by Rick
The border needs to be slammed shut and we need to get back to a legal process that includes vetting every applicant. We also must lead in energy development again to lower prices, help the poor and middle class, and start paying down the massive debt my children and grandchildren will have to pay off.

Trump will be no more a dictator than Biden and all of his executive orders that flipped the Trump policies that were working. If Trump is a dictator for closing the border on day one, then Biden is a dictator for opening the border on day one.

Democrats who fear monger about Trump being a dictator and an executioner can't explain how he could do that in our system. Tell me how that would even be possible.

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy

George Orwell

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06 Dec 2023 10:03 #26 by koobookie

Rick wrote: Democrats who fear monger about Trump being a dictator and an executioner can't explain how he could do that in our system. Tell me how that would even be possible.

I know you don't like to read information and prefer to hear opinions instead of facts, but here's some light reading for you




An influential conservative group is using a questionnaire to test the ideology of potential recruits for the next Republican presidential administration — and the questions reveal the extent to which former President Donald J. Trump has transformed the conservative movement in his image.

The questionnaire by the group, the Heritage Foundation, includes questions that suggest it is screening for applicants who want to embrace tariffs, reduce America’s military footprint overseas and remove executive branch officials who obstruct the president’s agenda. The job-application questionnaire was first reported by Axios.


Conservatives often frame their policy crusades as part of an effort to expand “religious freedom,” a narrative deployed across the Trump administration to gut civil rights protections. But now “Project 2025” is saying the quiet part out loud: Right-wing groups do not want to ensure all Americans have religious freedom, but want to impose conservative Christian views on our religiously-diverse country.

Instituting “biblically based” policies, saving souls and inducing Sabbath observance constitute a direct attack on religious freedom, a freedom guaranteed by the First Amendment, which keeps the government out of religion.

That kind of sounds like a theocracy, doesn't it, Rick?

If you get enough people to want Trump to be a dictator, then he will become one. Get enough states to want to adopt an amendment to the U.S. Constitution and Trump could be President for life. It's not impossible, Rick. Trump has already demonstrated that he is an authoritarian leader and has publicly stated that he will abuse his presidential power on day one. What else do you need as proof?

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07 Dec 2023 03:56 #27 by FredHayek
Trump will be a dictator this time they claim. The idiot couldn't even get his Wall built last time. Checks and Balances have worked very well for over 200 years. Stop fretting. There is no way President Trump will become some mythical Supreme Leader.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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07 Dec 2023 07:55 #28 by Rick

koobookie wrote:

Rick wrote: Democrats who fear monger about Trump being a dictator and an executioner can't explain how he could do that in our system. Tell me how that would even be possible.

I know you don't like to read information and prefer to hear opinions instead of facts, but here's some light reading for you




An influential conservative group is using a questionnaire to test the ideology of potential recruits for the next Republican presidential administration — and the questions reveal the extent to which former President Donald J. Trump has transformed the conservative movement in his image.

The questionnaire by the group, the Heritage Foundation, includes questions that suggest it is screening for applicants who want to embrace tariffs, reduce America’s military footprint overseas and remove executive branch officials who obstruct the president’s agenda. The job-application questionnaire was first reported by Axios.


Conservatives often frame their policy crusades as part of an effort to expand “religious freedom,” a narrative deployed across the Trump administration to gut civil rights protections. But now “Project 2025” is saying the quiet part out loud: Right-wing groups do not want to ensure all Americans have religious freedom, but want to impose conservative Christian views on our religiously-diverse country.

Instituting “biblically based” policies, saving souls and inducing Sabbath observance constitute a direct attack on religious freedom, a freedom guaranteed by the First Amendment, which keeps the government out of religion.

That kind of sounds like a theocracy, doesn't it, Rick?

If you get enough people to want Trump to be a dictator, then he will become one. Get enough states to want to adopt an amendment to the U.S. Constitution and Trump could be President for life. It's not impossible, Rick. Trump has already demonstrated that he is an authoritarian leader and has publicly stated that he will abuse his presidential power on day one. What else do you need as proof?

I'm sorry koobookie, I'm having a hard time finding the "facts" I'm supposed to be looking for fron the MSNBC source. Questionaires and polls are not facts... if they were, Hillary would have been elected. There are radical groups on both sides as well (see ANTIFA, BLM, and leftist anti-Semites)... but they don't have any power unless the leadership they align with follow their demands. Trump did not say he would abuse his power, he just said he would close the border and ramp up drilling on day one. That's not an abuse of power if it's ok for Biden to open the border and to reduce drilling with executive orders on day one. Do you not see those actions are equal on both sides? BTW, Trump likes to trigger your media with words, just like your media does all the time when they say Trump will "end democracy", which is really stupid and impossible. All they hear is "dictator" and then they toss the full context into the trash, because that's how they do journalism.

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy

George Orwell

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07 Dec 2023 11:00 #29 by koobookie
So you're fine with a presidential candidate that openly states that he will abuse the office of the president on day one.

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07 Dec 2023 15:54 #30 by FredHayek

koobookie wrote: So you're fine with a presidential candidate that openly states that he will abuse the office of the president on day one.

Sure. Trust in the voters. It has worked well for over 200 years.

Are you comfortable with ruling parties deciding who is allowed to run? Tyranny by political party? Do you think it would be okay for the Secretary of State(D) in Colorado to ban legal candidates from the ballot?

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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