19 Dec 2023 17:10 #1 by ramage
The Colorado SC voted in a 4-3 decision to not allow President Trump on the ballot. Interestingly all the justices of the Colorado SC were appointed by democrat governors.
Why the heading for this thread? In my view, the Trump organization knew that they would not win Colorado in 2024. By being disallowed from the ballot the Colorado SC has disenfranchised millions of Colorado voters. Needless to say this is going to the USSC. Which will have great effect of the lawsuits in the courts that are ongoing. Generating national news most everyday.
President Trump will be the candidate of the Republican party. Will the USSC disenfranchise 71+ million voters, I do not believe they will.
The democrats have let their TDS get the best of them. Colorado was never going to be in play in 2024. Now the Colorado SC will be in the national news for months. How long will it take before the scandals of the SC are reported in the MSM?
A new slogan:
Don't Coloradicate California.

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19 Dec 2023 19:09 #2 by FredHayek
Very bad precedent to set for the Colorado Supreme Court. If Biden is impeached, will they take him off the ballot too?

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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20 Dec 2023 06:21 #3 by Rick
Fred, Biden is a Democrat, so the answer to your question will always be NO.

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy

George Orwell

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20 Dec 2023 06:28 #4 by ramage
Colorado has opened a can of worms for the nation. The following are excerpts from a article by John Hinderaker, reference below:

"So, where do we go from here? We are in uncharted waters. Never before have we confronted a situation when one political party, that controls a particular state or its highest court, has tried to prevent a candidate of the opposing party from running for president. One cannot overstate what a watershed moment this is. The Democratic Party has staked a claim to permanent control of our federal government, regardless of the will of the American people. This has never happened before in our nation’s history.

Sadly, I think today’s Colorado Supreme Court decision increases the likelihood of violence in connection with the 2024 presidential election. We are rapidly descending to the status of a third world country, and partisan decisions like this one will accelerate that descent. Liberals hate democracy, and this is their latest assault on it. How Americans will respond to this attack on democracy remains to be seen.

I suspect that in fact the Supreme Court will immediately grant an emergency appeal and will rule 9-0, or 8-1 if Justice Jackson wants to be her usual moronic self, to overturn the Colorado decision. I imagine that every justice on the Supreme Court understands the implications of the decision, which would mean that any partisan state court could take the other party’s candidate off the ballot. So I will be shocked if they don’t feel the urgency to settle this once and for all. In fact, there has to be a lot of concern about the partisan turn of the courts in general.

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20 Dec 2023 06:45 #5 by ramage
The fallout for Colorado begins:
Vivek Ramaswamy on Colorado Ruling: I Will Withdraw from State Primary if Trump Not Allowed on Ballot

I would expect the other Republican candidates will folllow suit. DeSantiis and Christie have issued statements condemning the Colorado decision.

I would like to think that the Colorado Republican Party will withdraw from the ballot.

Then we have the "Never Trump" Republicans who brought the suit. What scrutiny will they face?

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20 Dec 2023 06:46 #6 by Rick
I would love to hear what people left of center, on this board, think of the decision. I'd love to know when we collectively decided to let judges convict anyone without a trial... especially a presidential candidate.

I agree with you ramage... the SC will strike this down and the new diversity hire will be the only one who disagrees.

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy

George Orwell

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20 Dec 2023 07:52 #7 by homeagain
9-0 is the correct equation per Ty Cobb

It is a RADICAL move and I am surprised they did it this early in the process. IF CONVICTED,then the CSC would be correct....and other states should follow with the SAME decision. THIS, my friend, is part of The Fourth Turning....which is in it's fullest measure. GET IN, BUCKLE UP and HOLD ON TIGHT.....the next 9 or so months will be like riding a big bucking bull.

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20 Dec 2023 09:03 #8 by FredHayek
Guilty until proven innocent? President Trump was never convicted of the crimes the Colorado Supreme Court says he did. You think judges at this level would need a conviction.

This precedent would allow government to seize your car after a drunk driving arrest but before a conviction. Sound fair?

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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20 Dec 2023 17:26 #9 by ramage
I do not know how to define "fair"? Is it to be defined as "fair share" as in the arguments as to what one should pay in tax? Is it a "fair call" as in football? Is it "fair" in political decisions? I believe that you catch my drift. Fair is what I say it is nothing less nothing more, to paraphrase Humpty Dumpty.

I say said earlier that the Colorado Supreme Court has opened a can of worms or for that matter, Pandora's Box. California's Lt. Gov has asked the Sec of State there to look into charges similar to those brought by Colorado.
The chairman of the Colorado Republican Party has stated that the Party will withdraw from the primary if this decision is carried through. Hopefully this decision will open the eyes of Republicans and candidates will be chosen by Republican voters and not an open primary in future elections.

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20 Dec 2023 20:39 #10 by FredHayek
Great idea. Every once in a while the Colorado GOP makes a smart decision.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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