NFL OWNERS....OWE (BIG TIME)....(super bowl is a shame)

07 Feb 2024 11:59 #1 by homeagain

Just days before sports fans from all over the world descend on Las Vegas for Super Bowl LVIII, the Washington Post released a shocking report revealing cases of former NFL players who had been diagnosed with dementia by their personal doctors but were denied coverage under the NFL’s concussions settlement. Tragically, some of these former players subsequently passed away due to complications related to dementia—and in several cases posthumously finding severe chronic traumatic encephalopathy. In short, findings indicate that players who experienced concussions and later CTE are not receiving the critical care promised to them.

According to the Post investigation, player after player was diagnosed, meeting “the standard definition for dementia in American medicine,” but when seeking financial support for care, they were told that NFL settlement doctors couldn’t make a diagnosis that would meet NFL settlement definitions, given that the benchmarks are harder to meet.

While the investigation findings may come as a surprise to many fans, it is no surprise to the hundreds of people who spoke to the Post or anyone who’s followed this topic. Insiders have long known that all is not what it seems inside the landmark settlement. Legal and medical records have been piling up for almost a decade on the ways former players have been treated and current players possibly kept in the dark.
The History

The NFL reached a class action settlement with players in 2015. Although it did not admit any wrongdoing, it made a promise to compensate all former players who developed dementia or other brain diseases associated with concussions, beginning in 2017. Additionally, the league committed to providing payment to players who developed symptoms of dementia related to CTE. Furthermore, the NFL agreed to finance a network of doctors across the country to assess players and offer medical care to those displaying early signs of dementia.

Since that time, the league says it has paid out over $1.2 billion to more than 1,600 former NFL players and their families. It should be noted, this amount surpasses the initial expectations and serves as evidence that the NFL has gone beyond its obligations of $1 billion.

AND YET, Nachos,beer,chips and pizza will prevail,because after all SUPERBOWL IS THE ALL AMERICAN EVENT, even tho the price the players

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07 Feb 2024 19:45 #2 by FredHayek
Soccer and Rugby have the same issues.
Should the NFL make every player sign a release before the join a team? And colleges and high schools too?

The strange thing about CTE is it affects people differently. Some retired players die early, others get violent, but others suffer few effects. A San Diego Chargers QB would receive multiple concussions every season, but became an announcer who worked into his 70's.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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10 Feb 2024 10:48 #3 by homeagain
U R missing the's like the tobacco company KNOWING FULL WELL the negative aspects of their product,yet money is king and major money is to be disclosure is dismissed. OH and the part about dismissing /omitting injuries cases from the "ethnic" arena is despicable.....AGAIN,when a jersey brings down another player and u cheer.....image a head injury and a hospital visit..on going. MONEY is a huge instigator and the players should probably sign a waiver that indicates the severe injuries r understood.and that risk is ALWAYS there. THEN, they can weigh the $$$$ against a healthy body and make an informed decision.

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10 Feb 2024 13:59 #4 by ramage
"...AGAIN,when a jersey brings down another player and u cheer.....image a head injury and a hospital visit..on going."
Every tackle results in a potential head injury?

is this you sarcasm showing or is it your view that football should be outlawed?

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10 Feb 2024 17:27 #5 by homeagain

ramage wrote: "...AGAIN,when a jersey brings down another player and u cheer.....image a head injury and a hospital visit..on going."
Every tackle results in a potential head injury?

is this you sarcasm showing or is it your view that football should be outlawed?

It's about disclosure and being straight up with those individuals u r making money off of.......I would call it a cryptic comment.

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10 Feb 2024 22:12 #6 by FredHayek

homeagain wrote:

ramage wrote: "...AGAIN,when a jersey brings down another player and u cheer.....image a head injury and a hospital visit..on going."
Every tackle results in a potential head injury?

is this you sarcasm showing or is it your view that football should be outlawed?

It's about disclosure and being straight up with those individuals u r making money off of.......I would call it a cryptic comment.

You think inhaling tobacco smoke was a good thing for your body?
You think football players don't realize they are playing a very, dangerous game and have worked out the risk/rewards?

Do you think most people have an IQ of sixty and need to be protected from themselves?

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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11 Feb 2024 08:56 #7 by Rick
Yes, every tackle includes a possible injury. What is your solution? These guys already make more than the average by ten miles so adding more to their stack of money still won’t repair a brain injury.

I’d rather take the risk a football player takes than a cop working in a blue city hellhole… those people make nothing in comparison.

A fact is information without emotion.
An opinion is information shaped by experience.
Ignorance is an opinion without knowledge.
Stupidity is an opinion the rejects facts.

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11 Feb 2024 09:54 #8 by FredHayek
Exactly. Less dangerous than farming and ranching in South Park and much more rewarding financially. Even some college players are earning one million dollars a season.
In Boulder, Deion Sanders kids are buying him a multimillion dollar home in the foothills. Money they made by selling their images, no tackling required.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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11 Feb 2024 10:09 #9 by homeagain

Rick wrote: Yes, every tackle includes a possible injury. What is your solution? These guys already make more than the average by ten miles so adding more to their stack of money still won’t repair a brain injury.

I’d rather take the risk a football player takes than a cop working in a blue city hellhole… those people make nothing in comparison.

MANNO, u missed the point by a mile.....

For starters, intentional or not, the NFL settlement definition for dementia necessitates more impairment than the accepted U.S. standard definition. Beyond that, the NFL can reject claims medically or legally. And this doesn’t even factor in the former players who pass away before filing, give up during the process or are delayed by the approved medical staff—with an average wait time of 15 months.

Records indicate the settlement has approved about 900 dementia claims since the 2017 start and denied almost 1,100. This rejection number includes almost 300 former NFL players who were diagnosed by the NFL’s assigned settlement doctors. The Post estimates the “collective value of denied dementia claims, based on the average cost of approvals, could exceed $700 million.”

Although it’s hopeful to think this will serve as a call to action for fans, players and the league, history has shown that change is hard, and progress is slow. Too slow for the hundreds, if not thousands, of families directly affected by this crisis. However, there have been league changes and several off-the-field efforts to increase education, awareness and hope—including the Brain Health Summit I co-host during the Annual Leigh Steinberg Super Bowl Party.

Anyone who loves sport and particularly the NFL should be outraged and demand better. These men on the field are humans, putting their livelihoods on the line for a game we all love. It’s the collective public responsibility to want better safety standards, better treatment and better stewards of care.

Last August, Chris Seeger, the leading lawyer for the players, asked the judge overseeing the settlement to replace the company responsible for managing the league's network of doctors. The judge promptly approved the request, although both the NFL and Seeger stated the change was not connected to the Post's reporting. Only time will tell what the next set of doctors do for the players—or the league.

IT'S CALLED GREED AND NON DISCLOSURE....the history proves the NFL KNEW about the issue for a very long time,and did NOTHING......JUST LIKE THE TOBACCO COMPANY. The union forced changes to head gear and brought the issue out from the darkness of denials. GOD, I can't be the only person who sees the NFL AND THE NRA as money grabbing monsters of the mainstream masses. Don't people have a sense of integrity and intense outrage????? Complacency has replaced compassion and involvement.....LIKE IT WAS YOUR SON OUT THERE

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11 Feb 2024 10:41 #10 by Freezeman
Nice touch including the NRA with the money grabbing monsters of the mainstream masses. Why didn't you mention the USA Government? The NFL and the NRA get 0 dollars from me.

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