FredHayek wrote: Too many older woman about abortion rights don't understand the effect of the Morning After Pill.
WSJ had a piece about it this week. Condoms are being shunned now, the guys just tell their link ups to just use Plan B the next day.
DON'T UNDERSTAND??????'s what I don't understand.....why is VIAGRA been around forever, but a B.C. pill for MALES is just now being developed,not even on the market. HERE'S WHAT I DON'T UNDERSTAND......u (males collectively) want to be serviced? DO NOT TELL ME TO GET THE PLAN B
BACK UP.....U go get "cut".. I I have read quite the opposite...that the younger gen is refraining from sex,because of the legit sex workers is another thing....PUT YOUR MONEY DOIWN BOYS AND ENJOY THE EXOTIC...... i understand PERFECTLY.....u think D---ks don't have a responsibility.....I got a news flash for's 2024 , not 1924,
You know how irresponsible young people are. Of course they are going to chance having sex and leave it to fate.
But I am surprised to see how many younger people are choosing to not have sex.
Are relationships just too complicated for this generation? Are they choosing their phones instead of other humans?
Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.