Democrats are running ads against Obama and the bailouts

07 Sep 2010 09:21 - 07 Sep 2010 11:04 #1 by The Viking
It is so funny how when it comes time for elections that the Democrats always run to the right. They know what the majority of Americans want, and that is Right wing fiscal policies. Based upon the polls showing that Americans now trust Republicans more on all 10 major issues.

They showed Democrats all over the country running ads for this election saying they voted 'against' Obama's Wall Street bailouts, and 'against' Obama's massive government healthcare takeover and 'against' the stimulus package. And many are running ads saying that they are not afraid to stand up against Obama and Pelosi and Reid, and that they are Independent from them. The Dems are so afraid to be called a Dem in this election. They are embarassed, and scared to death of all the mistakes they voted for. It is so funny watching these ads showing them embarassed to use the word Democrat and saying how wrong the leadership in their party is. I am glad that Democrats are finally running ads, admitting that the bailouts and the stimulus and the healthcare bill were mistakes. Now if Only Obama, Pelosi and Reid would admit it. 56% of Americans want a full repeal of the healthcare bill now that we know more what is in it.

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07 Sep 2010 10:28 #2 by Cat Crap Hill
My Dear The Viking:

The Wall Street Bailouts were NOT Obama's. They were Hank Paulson's and George Bush's. PLEASE stop repeating this lie. It makes you look like you have "teh stupid."

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07 Sep 2010 10:52 #3 by The Viking

Cat Crap Hill wrote: My Dear The Viking:

The Wall Street Bailouts were NOT Obama's. They were Hank Paulson's and George Bush's. PLEASE stop repeating this lie. It makes you look like you have "teh stupid."

Do you just make this sh** up as you go along? Bush signed it, and I agree that he should have vetoed, Pelosi and Reids, sh**ty bill. Not sure if you remember, but i can give you a refresher course in recent history. The Dems controlled both houses back then. Paulson and Bush handed them a 5 page, few billion dollar bill which grew to hundreds of pages and hundreds of billions of dollars after pelosi and reid added all their crap to it. Bush should have vetoed it but it was a Democratic bill all the way.

Saying this is Bush's bill is like this comparrison. Bush sees that we need some groceries so he goes into the store and buys the necessities like milk, eggs, and food and a few other things that total $100 that people really needed. But he allowed the kids, (Pelosi and Reid) to come along. (HUGE MISTAKE! But they had all the control of the shopping cart). They loaded up the cart with toys and candy, and movies, and new TV's and stereo's and new clothes, and shoes and when Bush is handed the bill, it is in the tens of thousands. But he has the credit card out and knows that he has to get the milk and eggs and food for the people so he decides to pay it. It was stupid on his part but then people come out and say that Bush spent all this money. That is a total joke and mokes people who say it look so uneducated.

Spending went through the roof 10 times more than ever in history starting in 2007. What happened that year? That is the same year that the Dems took control of both houses and it has only gotten worse each year. It is like they are on crack. That is why the Republicans need to take over at least one house to stop the madness.

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07 Sep 2010 11:38 #4 by The Viking

Cat Crap Hill wrote: My Dear The Viking:

The Wall Street Bailouts were NOT Obama's. They were Hank Paulson's and George Bush's. PLEASE stop repeating this lie. It makes you look like you have "teh stupid."

And this is the Wall street bailout that he is trying to sneak through that the Dems aer running in their ads. It is the Dems saying it not just me. ... ll-street/

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07 Sep 2010 12:02 #5 by Travelingirl
I saw part of a news program that reportedly Pelosi, Reid and Obama have told the Dems to separate themselves from Washington and try to keep it "local" in their feeble attempt to keep their seats...good luck with that strategy! The only thing the Dems have in their favor is their position on the environment and some other issue that's not a big political stronghold for them.

I can see November from my house! LOL!

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07 Sep 2010 13:09 #6 by RCCL
I was watching Morning Joe this morning on MSNBC, and they mentioned that out of all the political campaigns they have been monitoring across the country, the have yet to see a single Democratic candidate touting their work in passing the health care reform bill.

I can't say I'm surprised, but I'm a little taken aback by the continuing attitude that the American People have no idea what is good for them, so it's our representative's responsibility to give it to us, and then run from it, when we're going to elect them again. It's the same problem I had with Obama when he proposed it! He came out and said something like "It may not be popular, but it is beneficial". Thanks, because I obviously have no idea what is good for myself or my country, and so my elected officials need to pass legislation in my best interest, against my wishes.... Doesn't anyone else see something wrong here?

Also, I think we're very early to start calling November. I'm a little more paranoid these days, but I'm envisioning a plot by the mass media to placate Republicans in hopes we won't show up on election day if we've been told for months that we're a shoe-in for victory. Let's keep getting the word out! Nothing's won until the polls close!

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07 Sep 2010 14:08 #7 by The Viking

RCCL wrote: I was watching Morning Joe this morning on MSNBC, and they mentioned that out of all the political campaigns they have been monitoring across the country, the have yet to see a single Democratic candidate touting their work in passing the health care reform bill.

I can't say I'm surprised, but I'm a little taken aback by the continuing attitude that the American People have no idea what is good for them, so it's our representative's responsibility to give it to us, and then run from it, when we're going to elect them again. It's the same problem I had with Obama when he proposed it! He came out and said something like "It may not be popular, but it is beneficial". Thanks, because I obviously have no idea what is good for myself or my country, and so my elected officials need to pass legislation in my best interest, against my wishes.... Doesn't anyone else see something wrong here?

Also, I think we're very early to start calling November. I'm a little more paranoid these days, but I'm envisioning a plot by the mass media to placate Republicans in hopes we won't show up on election day if we've been told for months that we're a shoe-in for victory. Let's keep getting the word out! Nothing's won until the polls close!

It is funny how the majority of Americans want it toally repealed, and most democrats won't talk about it and don't want anything to do with it in their campaigns and won't admit they voted for it, and now most economists are saying that it is far from deficit neutral and will raise our deficit a lot and our taxes and our healthcare costs and it will not have much of a net gain in people covered if any, and yet Obama this morning in his little speech came out bragging about how they got it done and got it passed. Is he really that clueless?

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07 Sep 2010 14:52 #8 by Travelingirl
"In a sense, we are a victim of our own success, of the expectations that the president aroused, and the fact that we have gotten so much done," Axelrod said, in attempting to explain the enthusiasm gap between Republican and Democratic voters" ... 07211.html

:youwish: rofllol

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07 Sep 2010 20:58 #9 by Spykster

Cat Crap Hill wrote: My Dear The Viking:

The Wall Street Bailouts were NOT Obama's. They were Hank Paulson's and George Bush's. PLEASE stop repeating this lie. It makes you look like you have "teh stupid."

Actually, Barry O. gave his approval and blessing to the bailout that occured on Bush's watch, and he completely owns the one he authored after he was elected. He used the word "crisis" something like 32 times in a 12 minute speech, or some reasonable facsimile. Shovel ready projects, he said...I think it is pretty obvious what he has been shoveling since his comes out of a :horse: derriere...

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07 Sep 2010 21:03 #10 by Spykster

The Viking wrote: It is so funny how when it comes time for elections that the Democrats always run to the right. They know what the majority of Americans want, and that is Right wing fiscal policies. Based upon the polls showing that Americans now trust Republicans more on all 10 major issues.

They showed Democrats all over the country running ads for this election saying they voted 'against' Obama's Wall Street bailouts, and 'against' Obama's massive government healthcare takeover and 'against' the stimulus package. And many are running ads saying that they are not afraid to stand up against Obama and Pelosi and Reid, and that they are Independent from them. The Dems are so afraid to be called a Dem in this election. They are embarassed, and scared to death of all the mistakes they voted for. It is so funny watching these ads showing them embarassed to use the word Democrat and saying how wrong the leadership in their party is. I am glad that Democrats are finally running ads, admitting that the bailouts and the stimulus and the healthcare bill were mistakes. Now if Only Obama, Pelosi and Reid would admit it. 56% of Americans want a full repeal of the healthcare bill now that we know more what is in it.

Vike --- News reports today suggest thet not one DemonCrat has addressed "MessiahMed" in their campaign schticks and's the kiss of death, in view of the fact that there are now going to be a minimum 600 BILLION in NEW TAXES to pay for it. Even the CBO has gone on record saying they were given bogus figures by Barry O and his henchmen to try to tabulate the true cost of that maniacal bill... " They wuz had ! ", and so wuz we !!! Even O'reilly was complaining last week that his policy for his family of 4 has just gone up 4k a year...

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