21 Oct 2010 09:38 #21 by ComputerBreath
Until I read about a Park County VSO on this website, I didn't even know there was one. I knew there was one in Summit because I've seen the advertisements to hire a new on in the Summit Daily newspaper and because several years ago the newspaper had an article about where to volunteer and helping the VSO work with vets to process their claims was one way.

No where in any publication (I primarily read The Flume and the free South Park flyer that details events for the month and has a birthday calendar on the back page--sorry can't remember the name) have I ever seen any reference to a Veteran's Service Officer in Park County. And in the 5 years since I retired, no one has contacted should be real easy using a Freedom of Information Act request asking for a mailing address of veterans living in certain ZIP codes...and it probably wouldn't cost anything, though the mailings would.

Anyways, I did all my disability stuff on my own...and when I had my Transition Assistance Program briefings, I paid close attention to the information given...even to the point that I opted not to file an early disability claim in Texas, where I was last stationed, because I knew I would have to transfer my claim to Colorado and I didn't want to hold it up. 15 months after I filed, I ended up with 50% disability and then 3 months later it was upgraded to 60%.

My point in my ramblings: Had I known there was someone in the local area to help me muddle through and to support me when my claim was taking forever...partly because my medical records were lost...I would have welcomed that with open arms.

I didn't even know I could go to the VFW for assistance...but the nearest one to Fairplay is equi-distant either to Buena Vista or over Kenosha to northern Park County...and that usually isn't feasible for me unless an activity is during the day on a weekend...I work in Breckenridge and driving from Breck to anywhere else except Fairplay after work doesn't work for me, partly because I can't see at night to drive, but because it is too exhausting.

And I just went to the Colorado Department of Military Affairs site, which I found by accident when I was trying to get my free disabled veteran license plates several years ago, and it is not very helpful. Furthermore there is a link on this site to the US Department of Veterans Affairs and it isn't even up to date because it doesn't list the new VA clinic that opened this year in Salida...again I found out about this from the Summit Daily Newspaper, but had to track information through several phone calls to get an appointment.

It is my fault that I don't know this information? I would dearly love to be part of a military-minded group of people again...but I don't even know where to begin.

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21 Oct 2010 10:10 #22 by rlcarolyn
This is Park County's fault. They have thought very little about all the Vet's up here. I know that if you contact the VSO (just pm me and I will get you with her right now) She can probably get you to the 100% you need. If you are already 60% you should qualify, if you haven't been working, the 100% un-employablity then there are a lot more benefits. And most likely if you are already 60% you aren't holding down a job. So if she reviewed your files and she finds something I will guarantee you she will get it for you.

My husband and I had no idea he could dispute his rating, and it took 30 years and another Vet very well known up here ( a very gentle but grizzly Vet who I dearly care for) told us about his dealings with the VSO and he was a HERO in the Vietnam war. She got what he needed and deserved, he can now live like a person and not a second rate citizen. So it is the VA, Government, and county's fault that you don't know you have rights or representation. There needs to be some revamping on how the Soldiers are released. They are not told anything just thanks and go home.
They need to know what they are due they need to know there is someone there to help them through the process of getting back to civilian life. Especially if they have been hurt! There are so many homeless Vets! That is a shame! It can be prevented with the right structure.

This VSO is now our family member, best friend, mentor, and all around protector from crap that has been done to my husband and the other VETS, we will protect her as she has protected us. Every chance I get I tell a Vet about her. I let them know they have rights and that they can get help, so I get the word out about her, she is the most down to earth, loving, caring, respectful, and dedicated to the Veterans through out the Country. She deserves MORE than what she is getting and DOES NOT deserve the treatment or questioning of her position, since every day she proves it by helping another vet. Before I really knew her I walked into their home because the county didn't even give her an office and there were files in every part of that house! She knew where everything was and knew every case she had. I was totally amazed. Then when they gave her an office down in Bailey (6'x6') with furniture so big she can't get more than her and a Vet in there, I think she needs a bigger office guys. LOL
I can't say enough about this beautiful woman and her husband, who is also a HERO in the Vietnam war and is in several books. They are True American HEROS! I thank you so much for your service! Yes I am passionate about this one and will always be there for any Vet. VSO.

By the Way Rondo Please think before you say such stupid things you tend to piss off the wrong people like vets. I had a hard time calming my husband down because of your lack of knowledge. So please think before you write it.

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21 Oct 2010 10:14 #23 by CC
Still trying to find out when this meeting of the BOCC is.

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21 Oct 2010 10:21 #24 by rlcarolyn

rlcarolyn wrote: VSO meeting with commissioners will be held on Wednesday 27, 2010 at 1:30 at the FairBarn at the fairgrounds. From my heart may I say we need every VET there to help her. She has helped everyone of us now it is our turn to Protect the one person that has gone beyond to make sure we get what we are due. Please ALL VETS call another vet call us we will be at that meeting. We want the place full. For this woman to give us so much helping us get the right pay, giving us our dignity back, helping us to become more productive in our county, let's stand behind the one person that does it for pennies an hour. She works 7 days a week 16 hours a day and had a Very sick husband that was treated for Lymphoma, and taking care of all the VETs. GOD BLESS HER!

Consider this

VA 10% rating makes 174.00 a month. VA 100% rating makes 2823.00 now how much does the county get in revenue? Vet is more likely to spend his/her money in the county he/she lives in because of their disabilities, services come to this county and they pay taxes, they can afford a home they then pay taxes. So she raises the earning for the vets which in turn brings money into the county. If we didn't have her think of it this way. The Social Services then has to help, the non-profits that help our community have to help them out which takes away from another that doesn't have access to the benefits that the VET has. So what the county does is try to alleviate that stress to the county and the non-profits.
Now does our commissioners bring that kind of money into the county? Or Are they spending the money that the VSO brings so they can have a good time at those events?
How about they take a reduction in their pay? Let's say since she is only making 600.00 a month why not take a pay reduction of a 150.00 to the commissioners? This way they wouldn't be taking away one of the money makers in our county. OH THAT"S RIGHT THEY ARE DUE That money because they work hard for it. rofllol

Wednesday October 27, 2010 1:30 at the Fairbarn

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21 Oct 2010 10:24 #25 by CC
Sorry bout that. Thx for the highlighted info LOL.

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21 Oct 2010 19:33 #26 by navycpo7

ComputerBreath wrote: Until I read about a Park County VSO on this website, I didn't even know there was one. I knew there was one in Summit because I've seen the advertisements to hire a new on in the Summit Daily newspaper and because several years ago the newspaper had an article about where to volunteer and helping the VSO work with vets to process their claims was one way.

No where in any publication (I primarily read The Flume and the free South Park flyer that details events for the month and has a birthday calendar on the back page--sorry can't remember the name) have I ever seen any reference to a Veteran's Service Officer in Park County. And in the 5 years since I retired, no one has contacted should be real easy using a Freedom of Information Act request asking for a mailing address of veterans living in certain ZIP codes...and it probably wouldn't cost anything, though the mailings would.

Anyways, I did all my disability stuff on my own...and when I had my Transition Assistance Program briefings, I paid close attention to the information given...even to the point that I opted not to file an early disability claim in Texas, where I was last stationed, because I knew I would have to transfer my claim to Colorado and I didn't want to hold it up. 15 months after I filed, I ended up with 50% disability and then 3 months later it was upgraded to 60%.

My point in my ramblings: Had I known there was someone in the local area to help me muddle through and to support me when my claim was taking forever...partly because my medical records were lost...I would have welcomed that with open arms.

I didn't even know I could go to the VFW for assistance...but the nearest one to Fairplay is equi-distant either to Buena Vista or over Kenosha to northern Park County...and that usually isn't feasible for me unless an activity is during the day on a weekend...I work in Breckenridge and driving from Breck to anywhere else except Fairplay after work doesn't work for me, partly because I can't see at night to drive, but because it is too exhausting.

And I just went to the Colorado Department of Military Affairs site, which I found by accident when I was trying to get my free disabled veteran license plates several years ago, and it is not very helpful. Furthermore there is a link on this site to the US Department of Veterans Affairs and it isn't even up to date because it doesn't list the new VA clinic that opened this year in Salida...again I found out about this from the Summit Daily Newspaper, but had to track information through several phone calls to get an appointment.

It is my fault that I don't know this information? I would dearly love to be part of a military-minded group of people again...but I don't even know where to begin.

You have a couple of places to go. Minturn, Leadville, Buena Vista, Salida, Lake George/florrisant, Bailey, Conifer. All have VFW Posts. I know this as I am the District Commander for all these. All good people. Let me know if you would like to join one, I can get you in contact with the Post Commander of any of them. THANKS FOR YOUR SERVICE, Always here if you need to just talk. It does help.

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23 Oct 2010 10:22 #27 by CC
You guys need to get as many veterans as you can to go to this meeting Wednesday. I am starting to think that it is the only thing these guys understand. A show support that is strong. It is an election year and one of those commissioners wants to keep his seat.

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23 Oct 2010 14:17 #28 by Mtn Gramma

Becky wrote: You guys need to get as many veterans as you can to go to this meeting Wednesday. I am starting to think that it is the only thing these guys understand. A show support that is strong. It is an election year and one of those commissioners wants to keep his seat.

Hopefully he'll do what's right .... and still lose his seat!

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