Radical islamists attacking America once again

30 Oct 2010 09:39 #11 by Jonathan Hemlock
Hmmm! I wonder what George Bush would do!

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30 Oct 2010 09:46 #12 by Residenttroll returns

Scruffy wrote: Thank goodness Obama wasn't reading to second graders and was actually defending our country.

No, he wasn't reading to second graders. He was reading the teleprompter (as usual). Wag the Dog...a couple of days before an election...

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30 Oct 2010 09:48 #13 by Residenttroll returns

Nmysys wrote: Are you serious? Did he do this single handedly?

Of course he is, now explain how Mr. Obama can't keep the lid on classified military documents from leaking.

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30 Oct 2010 09:53 #14 by Residenttroll returns

Scruffy wrote:
Well, he is the Messiah, you know. Or so Rush tells us. Repeatedly.

I'm just saying that here is an example of our government working as it should, protecting its citizens from attack. The praise does not necessarily go to Obama, but I know that if the attack had been successful (like 911) then the President would take the blame.

I think Rush calls him Imam Obama. Which, I believe, is more appropriate than Messiah.

I bet Jack Bauer called the White House while flying in the cargo bay and keep him up to date. We should applaud Jack Bauer for keeping those explosives from detonating.

Upon Jack's return and successful disarming of the explosives yesterday, he immediately flew back to Yemen to track down the terrorist and is currently eating dinner and negotiating conditions for no repeat. Under a different administration, Jack would have capture the terrorist, flew them back to US, and made them talk. But under this admin, we negotiate.

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30 Oct 2010 15:31 #15 by Grady

residenttroll wrote:

Scruffy wrote: Wag the Dog...a couple of days before an election...

Oh hell yes, had this happened under Bush's watch the lefties would all be screaming, that this is a election ploy.

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30 Oct 2010 15:42 #16 by Wayne Harrison
Only if he changed the Terrorist Alert level three times in a week...

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30 Oct 2010 16:50 #17 by Residenttroll returns

Pineguy wrote: Only if he changed the Terrorist Alert level three times in a week...

Why didn't the government change the terror alert yesterday?

We been sitting at Yellow since Bush left. During the Obama administration we had a Christmas Day bombing, NY Times Square attempted bombing, a plan attack on NY City Subway by a Denver Yellow Cab Driver, a terrorist attack at US military base, and now a "dry run" with live explosions, without a single alert upgrade by the Obama administration. Why is that?

I can't recall any of these bombings or shootings during the Bush administration?

Here's what is documented:

The anthrax scare. Shortly after 9/11, letters laced with anthrax began appearing in the U.S. mail. Letters went to U.S. senators and news organizations. Before it was over, five Americans were killed and another 17 were injured. "The nation was terrorized in what became the worst biological attacks in U.S. history," according to the FBI.

The shoe bomber. In December 2001, admitted al-Qaida member Richard Reid boarded a plane in Miami with plastic explosives packed in special hollowed-out shoes. The bomb failed to ignite properly and no passengers were hurt. The incident, however, led to Americans having to remove their shoes during airport security screening.

The D.C. sniper case. John Allen Muhammad was convicted on capital terrorism charges for his part in the shooting of 16 people in and around the D.C. area in September and October 2002. Muhammad was executed last year. His 17-year-old accomplice, Lee Boyd Malvo, was sentenced to life in prison.

All three events occurred after Sept. 11 and have been considered terror plots by the federal and state governments.

Media Matters For America, a liberal group that analyzes the news media, documented other examples of U.S. terrorism:

2002 attack against El Al ticket counter at LAX. Hesham Mohamed Hadayet opened fire at an El Al Airlines ticket counter at Los Angeles International Airport, killing two people and wounding four others before being shot dead. Media Matters found a 2004 Justice Department report that Hadayet's case had been "officially designated as an act of international terrorism."

Campus attack at UNC. In March 2006, a University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill graduate drove an SUV onto campus, striking nine pedestrians. Reza Taheri-azar reportedly stated in a letter: "I was aiming to follow in the footsteps of one of my role models, Mohammad Atta, one of the 9/11/01 hijackers, who obtained a doctorate degree."

http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter ... cks-durin/

Wow, we were safer under Bush. Bring him back and give Jack Bauer more latitude in exterminating these non-violet peace loving radicals.

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