Dow just went under 11,000

16 Nov 2010 18:43 #21 by The Viking

residenttroll wrote:

Scruffy wrote:
Wrong again, Archer. Next, they will be blaming their erectile dysfunction on Obama. :jk2:

We blame that on the lack of Bush.

rofllol :lol: Just saw this!! Perfect play on words!!! rofllol :lol: :rofl

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16 Nov 2010 18:45 #22 by The Viking

AV8OR wrote: Enjoy the ride down folks! It only gets worse.

Are you talking about lack of Bush too? rofllol :lol:

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16 Nov 2010 21:05 #23 by Residenttroll returns

lionshead2010 wrote:

residenttroll wrote:

Scruffy wrote:
Wrong again, Archer. Next, they will be blaming their erectile dysfunction on Obama. :jk2:

We blame that on the lack of Bush.

It reminds me of that picture I saw several years ago. It was two women holding a sign that said "Lesbians Against Bush".

I was like, "what the hell, lesbians against Bush? How can that be?" rofllol

:rofl :rofl

Lesbians against Bush. That's funny stuff. That's about as funny as male homosexuals holding up signs, "“Bush is the disease, Death is the cure."

I knew when Bush left everything would go down.

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16 Nov 2010 22:54 #24 by AV8OR
Replied by AV8OR on topic Dow just went under 11,000
suspect that if Clinton went down he may not have gotten in the pickle he was in.

Go have fun with that.

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17 Nov 2010 07:29 #25 by FredHayek

The Viking wrote:

AV8OR wrote: Enjoy the ride down folks! It only gets worse.

Are you talking about lack of Bush too? rofllol :lol:

Saw a great bumpersticker back during Clinton election.

"Lick Bush in 92"

Back on topic, I think things are going to get worse before they get better. The FDIC has already closed more banks this year than last year and the mortgage/foreclosure crisis is still circling above us.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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26 Jan 2011 08:52 #26 by LadyJazzer

AV8OR wrote: Enjoy the ride down folks! It only gets worse.

Enjoy the ride folks... The DOW just went over 12,000....

Dow tops key 12,000 mark after upbeat housing news
Home sales soared 17.5 percent in December, raising cautious optimism

Insert standard [grumble, grumble] "It has to do with the GOP taking over one house 2 weeks ago", yada-yada" response here: ______________________


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26 Jan 2011 09:20 #27 by Mayhem
Replied by Mayhem on topic Dow just went under 11,000
Outside D.C., a grim housing market

By Dina ElBoghdady
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, January 25, 2011; 4:12 PM

While home prices continue to tumble in many major metropolitan areas, the Washington region is one of the few bright spots where prices are rising, according to two reports released Tuesday.
This Story

Only four of the 20 areas tracked by the S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Index posted year-over-year price gains in November. Washington led the way, with a 3.5 increase in single-family home prices, according to the report's numbers.

A separate analysis by research firm Delta Associates found that average home prices in the D.C. area in the fourth quarter were up 7.5 percent from a year earlier, to $404,501. The jump was the area's fifth consecutive quarterly gain, the report said.

The Washington region outshines many other metro areas in part because its robust job market has bolstered demand and prices for housing. But the area faces a risk over the coming months that the federal government could rein in spending and slash its workforce, undercutting the local economy and upending the gains in home prices.

Nationally, housing prices remain under pressure from the bloated supply of foreclosures and the nation's high unemployment rate. As long as people are without jobs or fear losing their livelihoods, they are unlikely to buy homes and help drive up prices. ... et#article

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26 Jan 2011 09:39 #28 by LadyJazzer
Yeah, there are some really bad pockets of unemployment and housing... Have been since BUSH left office with 754,000 jobs-a-month being lost by the end of his administration.

I guess the DOW didn't get the memo.

In the meantime, I guess you guys that were pissing-and-moaning about the DOW going under 11,000 will have find something else to be outraged about for a few days...

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26 Jan 2011 10:19 #29 by Nobody that matters
I just sneezed and the market gained a few points.

Everybody buy, and I'll snort some pepper. We'll be rich!

"Whatever you are, be a good one." ~ Abraham Lincoln

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26 Jan 2011 10:29 #30 by LadyJazzer
Yeah, isn't it interesting that the same folks that were so eager to hang the dip-below-11,000 around Obama's neck are suddenly so eager to attribute the rise-above-12,000 to: sunspots, sneezing, hickies-on-Michelle-Bachmann's-neck, or anything EXCEPT Obama's performance in office?


I love it....

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