Government Employees Pay Freeze.

29 Nov 2010 15:43 #21 by Residenttroll returns

Grady wrote:

Local_Historian wrote:

neptunechimney wrote: Rolling back everything to 2008 levels. I know I am living on less then 2008, how about you?

Less than 1991, myself - and that's pretty far down there.

So cut education 100% eh? Close ALL schools then? THAT bodes well for the future.

That was cut the Federal Department of Education, not education. Keep educational money and control, local.

:yeahthat: Exactly...

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29 Nov 2010 21:46 #22 by mtntrekker

Nmysys wrote: No perhaps about it, It is Too Little Too Late!



bumper sticker - honk if you will pay my mortgage

"The problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." attributed to Margaret Thatcher

"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government." Thomas Jefferson

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30 Nov 2010 08:08 #23 by The Boss
I have always thought that public employees pay should not be fixed. We track everyone's earnings....why not just have public employee pay and benefits sway with the median level of income and benefits in the group of citizens that fund just take the average for the county citizens in 2009 and that is the public pay for county employees, all of them, as they serve, for 2010. Rather than 30-50k plus bennies they can make 16,900 and have no bennies and 1/17 can have their land taken from them, as that would be path for the average park county ctizen who is paying their way to push paper around to make laws we don't need so we have less freedom.

Simple and they now make the same as the people that sacrafice and really work to fund them.

Could work on a national level too. This variability might also slow the growth of our govt sector and then we all win.

For example, we all know here in park that we cannot sustain such a large county sector, but we accept it knowing that the budget will crash in the future and knowing full well that on average the county sells leins on over 1000 lots a year to fund these greater than county average perks and jobs, but I guess we are all betting on being somewhere else when it all falls apart, leaving someone else to catch the ball you tossed up.

I say freeze pay, heck lower it and elim benifits, and then get rid of the 80% we don't need and still pay the one's that are left a reasonable, but low ave wage. And most of all, no future income for elected officials, low nominal pay while in office and a small stipend after. No lobbying. Serving is a priveledge, not a path to screw citizens in the future.

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30 Nov 2010 08:14 #24 by mtntrekker
uh posteryoyo you make too much sense - thus it will never happen. besides our commissioners would rather stick their heads in the sand than face reality. right now they are messing with land regs related to lighting on residential property - such a huge important issue in the scheme of things.

bumper sticker - honk if you will pay my mortgage

"The problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." attributed to Margaret Thatcher

"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government." Thomas Jefferson

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30 Nov 2010 08:23 #25 by The Boss

neptunechimney wrote: Rolling back everything to 2008 levels. I know I am living on less then 2008, how about you?

I am living on less than I did in 1998, but still feel fine. People like to say that the min wage is not livable, bullhonkey. In fact, perhaps that would be the best public employee pay, just pay min wage.

With kid deductions, you can even raise a kid on min wage, and many do. not in breck, not with i phones, but with a cheap roof and food, despite all the regs, esp local, out there to artificially increase the cost of housing (codes, etc. keeping people out of homes) and taxes on food of all things (way to go CO, taxing food that your citizens cannot even grow if they wanted to, again because of your laws keeping water for cherry creek lawns vs. starting people's gardens. )

No issues with the freeze, could go much further. I pay more in local taxes and loose more freedom from local regs than anything state or national, everyone should focus more there. We pay a lot, but really need next to nothing from the county (some police and plowing, though it even seems we over police and underplow, when I drive accross the country, I often see as many police in Park County as the entire rest of the trip to the Atlantic COMBINED) all the rest is just socialist fluff being eaten and loved by local repubs, who on average are more liberal than the average Massachusetts Democrat. Love the labels, and now ignore them.

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30 Nov 2010 08:51 #26 by The Boss

mtntrekker wrote: uh posteryoyo you make too much sense - thus it will never happen. besides our commissioners would rather stick their heads in the sand than face reality. right now they are messing with land regs related to lighting on residential property - such a huge important issue in the scheme of things.

So lets do some math.

say 10 people complained. Now everyone has to sheild all exterior lights from view of all neighbors. I can see over 1000 house lights from my house (yes good views). Once the law is in place I will legally see ZERO. That means if you see the park or mosquito ranges that ALL of the LIGHTS that you currently see on those MTNS will be dark....YOU WILL NOT LEGALLY BE ALLOWED TO SEE ANY OF THE SUBDIVISION LIGHTS IN BAILY FROM 285. If those are your lights, get ready to sheild them and soon.

So you out there with the lights will have to sheild them, lets say on average 4000 lights need to be sheilded in the county, could be 40,000 or many more, they are almost countless.

Now first we will ignore that installing these sheild ruins the fire rating on the lights and now everyone's fire insurance will not cover a fire caused by the county required mods.

So, lets say the average house needs 1 light shielded and a contractor will charge $100 to do it and there is a $50 fine for each day you wait. Also $100 is the summer charge, not the Jan charge with wind and drifting snow, and the law may go into effect in the middle of winter.

At $100 and 4000 lights that is $400,000. So lets say 10 people have been complaining to the BOCC to make them make this law, that would mean that on average each complaint cost the citizens $40,000 and possibly burnt some houses down, and voided their insurance.

Remember though, the daily fines from the county could exceed the costs of sheild by 10-100x.

The trick is that this will not be enforced, unless they want to get you.

Now if someone was smart, and I might just be, one could simply drive around just prior to the passing of the law, note all the lights and make lists of 1000s of offenders and the day after the law goes into effect file all of these complaints and at the same time mail all offenders the brochure for your new light sheilding service, reminding them that the cost of fines for 2 days of delay will exceed the cost of my service, so give us a call...

There is an instant $400,000+++++ biz that is 90% labor at $90/hour with years worth of work...

I always bitch that the govt is eating up the private sector and here they created private sector jobs, how great.

Funny, all this from a bunch of freedom hating republicans, known as park county citizens. Really a bunch of socialist democrats with masks that despise nothing more than property rights (based on their actions of doing everything they can to have no rights on their land), but don't worry, none of the restrictive laws or philosophy will apply to the gas wells. Oh well.

I must say, freedom and tolerance or buying enough land for your desires seems to make more sense to me, much cheaper and speaks to property rights in stead of wrongs.

Please note that all LURs are put in place to protect the character and peace in the community. Search the LURs for the word Freedom or Liberty, you will not find them, at all. You would think it would at least be cool to say you are regulated for freedom or rights, they are not and spend no time even pretending. Your rights or freedoms are a thing of the past, barely

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30 Nov 2010 09:20 #27 by ComputerBreath a GS-9 is equivalent to a Capt (O3)...but I think depending on what step they are, they make more than a Capt.

The last section I worked in had between 30 and 40 people working in it. Of these, 10 were civilians in a GS grade. Of these 10, 7 were GS-9. Of the 10 civilians, 6 were either retired military or reserve. The remaining 3 were GS-11, which is equivalent to a Major or Lt Col (O4 or O5).

I think a lot of civilians, depending on their job, are covered under a union...and I believe the civilians either threatened to strike or did strike in 1996 or 1997.

At bases with a major command associated with them, there are way more high level civilians. And I don't need to say that in D.C., the high grade civilian population is probably more than the military population. A pay freeze is a good thing...a lot of these civilians are living much better than both enlisted or officers I've worked with.

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30 Nov 2010 11:21 #28 by JMC
He should have cut the pay of some rather than freeze all. ... 0_ST_N.htm

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30 Nov 2010 11:57 #29 by FredHayek

Residenttroll wrote:

neptunechimney wrote: Rolling back everything to 2008 levels. I know I am living on less then 2008, how about you?

I am a government worker. Every $ 1.00 I earn...the government keeps 33% Fed, 15% Social Security, 4% State, and 2% FICA. That's 54% and we haven't even started calculating the fees, sales taxes, property taxes, etc. Federally mandated health care takes another 8% of my paycheck. Crap, I am left with just 38% of my pay. Shouldn't it be the other way around?

That is what happens when one out of three of us work for the goverment. Even though I work for the private industry, 25% of our sales are paid essentially by the Feds.

Want more bad news? Due to creeping inflation, more tax deductions expiring, you will get less take home next year.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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