Why are liberals so condescending?

07 Jan 2011 22:08 #1 by Blazer Bob
A bit old, I have been saving it for a slow weekend.

"Every political community includes some members who insist that their side has all the answers and that their adversaries are idiots. But American liberals, to a degree far surpassing conservatives, appear committed to the proposition that their views are correct, self-evident, and based on fact and reason, while conservative positions are not just wrong but illegitimate, ideological and unworthy of serious consideration. Indeed, all the appeals to bipartisanship notwithstanding, President Obama and other leading liberal voices have joined in a chorus of intellectual condescension.

It's an odd time for liberals to feel smug. But even with Democratic fortunes on the wane, leading liberals insist that they have almost nothing to learn from conservatives. Many Democrats describe their troubles simply as a PR challenge, a combination of conservative misinformation -- as when Obama charges that critics of health-care reform are peddling fake fears of a "Bolshevik plot" -- and the country's failure to grasp great liberal accomplishments. "We were so busy just getting stuff done . . . that I think we lost some of that sense of speaking directly to the American people about what their core values are," the president told ABC's George Stephanopoulos in a recent interview. The benighted public is either uncomprehending or deliberately misinformed (by conservatives).

http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/co ... 98_pf.html

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07 Jan 2011 22:24 #2 by archer
Not surprising that came from the washington post.....to answer the question, liberals are so condescending because conservatives are so self rightious. The last line is right on......most of the public IS uncomprehending or misinformed by conservatives. That's not news.

pssst.....I posted this just so you could prove their point tongue:

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07 Jan 2011 23:02 #3 by FredHayek
It does seem like they think they have all the answers. Another thread here today some Leftie acted like she knew exactly what Obamacare was about when the organiztions running it are still being setup and many of the details need to be hammered out.

I know I don't have all the answers nor does either party.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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07 Jan 2011 23:10 #4 by archer

SS109 wrote: It does seem like they think they have all the answers. Another thread here today some Leftie acted like she knew exactly what Obamacare was about when the organiztions running it are still being setup and many of the details need to be hammered out.

I know I don't have all the answers nor does either party.

read some more of the threads here and you will realize that this is not a disease of the left, but of both sides. We have plenty of conservatives here who think they have all the answers.....right down to what is the best way for EVERYBODY to raise their kids.

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08 Jan 2011 16:09 #5 by ScienceChic

SS109 wrote: It does seem like they think they have all the answers. Another thread here today some Leftie acted like she knew exactly what Obamacare was about when the organiztions running it are still being setup and many of the details need to be hammered out.

I know I don't have all the answers nor does either party.

You read too much into what I wrote then - I never said I had all the answers, I just provided facts that disputed the specific point being presented along with my own interpretation. Plus, I never said anything about the entire healthcare bill, I only quoted the single Section 936 which was at the center of the controversy. Since I knew no one would read it as is, I inserted my own interpretations. Was it snarky at times, yes, and I'm not apologizing for that cuz I'm tired of outraged, misinformed, misinterpreted hysteria being passed around and handed out like it's "fact" and the OP not admitting they were wrong once it's pointed out that there is nothing in the legislation even remotely close to "death panels"; especially after I've debunked this same crap just days earlier. I quoted the entire passage so you could read it for yourself - do you disagree with my analysis? If so, state why? Do you think it indicates "death panels" are being set up and the government is going to control our healthcare access at the end of our lives? Why or why not? Instead of thinking I'm acting all know-it-all and taking exception to that, why not try to disprove my point? That's what I'd prefer. I've explained multiple times, and will do so again here, that I have never and will never say that I am an expert on anything - I am always learning new things and am open to other viewpoints, and prefer a good logical, well-reasoned and backed-with-fact debate. I can and have admitted when I'm wrong and apologized when I've stepped over the line. I hardly think that qualifies me as being a condescending, elitist, know-it-all, but you are entitled to your own opinion.

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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