Hillary Likens Ariz. Gunman to Terrorist- Using Crisis

11 Jan 2011 09:31 #1 by Nmysys
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton stirred up controversy in the Middle East yesterday by calling the crackpot gunman charged with shooting Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords an "extremist" -- but offered no evidence of a political agenda or a cause that would drive him to violence.

"We have extremists in my country. A wonderful, incredibly brave, young woman Congress member, Congresswoman Giffords, was just shot by an extremist in our country," Clinton said during a televised town hall-style meeting at a college in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

Clinton brought up the slaughter by Jared Lee Loughner when questioned about why Americans appear to blame the entire Arab world for 9/11.

Read more: [url] http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/h ... z1AkEyJ4L8

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11 Jan 2011 09:34 #2 by LadyJazzer
One does not necessarily have to have a "cause" to be an extremist... He appeared to be anti-government enough to be an "extremist" about that, and other views he was observed expressing in various classes on-campus.

Seems like an apt analogy to me.

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11 Jan 2011 09:42 #3 by Nmysys
It would to you. You don't care how our Government portrays us to the rest of the world. You also wouldn't call a terrorist act by them as a terrorist act. That is the problem. And you definitely are not the solution.

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11 Jan 2011 09:45 #4 by Residenttroll returns
Hilary is a moron, just like her husband. How people like the Clinton's ever get appointed and elected to our government amazes me.
I wonder if the Muslim Arabs figured out that Hilary just called them metaphorically called them crazy lunatics?

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11 Jan 2011 09:48 #5 by LadyJazzer

Nmysys wrote: It would to you. You don't care how our Government portrays us to the rest of the world.

Yes, I do...And when the truth is right is front of you, it doesn't make much sense to lie about it.

Nmysys wrote: You also wouldn't call a terrorist act by them as a terrorist act.

That's another lie, (but then truth doesn't seem to be one of your strong suits.) I'll call a terrorist act a terrorist act.

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