Leading Republican, Introduce Strict Gun-Control Legislation

11 Jan 2011 14:09 #11 by Nmysys
Maybe, just maybe if Homeland Security was taking note of complaints instead of patting down old ladies at the airport, and if the boss wasn't traveling around the world on the taxpayers money taking care of the Afghanistan border problem instead of ours, people in Arizona wouldn't be so scared for their lives to have to be armed constantly. Let's face it, our government won't protect them, so they have to protect themselves.

I just wish the Sheriff, too had been doing his job. He sure had the blame game going AFTERWARDS, just like all of you LIberals.

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11 Jan 2011 14:10 #12 by outdoor338
archer are you a moonbat?? If the sheriff knew this guy was a problem, why didn't HE do anything about it, instead of blaming anyone who opposed him..he screwed up on his watch, and now your protecting him..your mindless accusations are embarrassing, quit making a fool of yourself..get some rest..

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11 Jan 2011 14:26 #13 by PrintSmith

LadyJazzer wrote: Did I mention that he was a Leading Republican ?

Indeed you did, but can you tell us what effect this new law would have besides giving the government one more crime to charge him with as if the 4 counts of 1st degree Murder, attempted assassination of an elected member of Congress, murder of a federal official and the 14 counts of attempted 1st Degree Murder, 14 counts of Aggravated Assault with a deadly weapon, 31 counts of unlawful discharge of a firearm and whatever other charges this nut ends up facing are insufficient to put him away for the rest of his natural life unless he is found not guilty because he's a total loon? Are we to somehow believe that none of the rest of it was insufficient to stop him, but the fact he would have been bringing the gun within 1000 feet of an elected member of Congress would have?

But hey LJ, at least you found that Compassionate Conservative you said doesn't exist. Is that why you brought it to our attention? :lol:

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11 Jan 2011 14:39 #14 by LadyJazzer
Nah... I just thought it was funny, coming from a Republican.

We both know he doesn't have a chance of a snowball-in-hell of getting it passed. How would it be enforced? I haven't got a clue. It's not MY legislation. Perhaps you should ask him? Do I think it will have any serious effect? Not really. But as I suggested in another thread, perhaps the next time some open-carry moron approaches a congress-person with a visible weapon, someone--either the congress-critter him/her-self or a security person--will pull their own weapon and mow him down. It might make the next wacko think about it. What about the lunatic that isn't carrying their weapon where it's visible? Not much you can do until it's too late.

But we both know that this Republican, being a "compassionate conservative", hasn't got a chance--for just that reason. The rest of the neo-cons won't stand for one being in their midst, and so he'll be squashed as quickly as possible. Can't have THAT happening.... That's why I love that term..."compassionate conservative"...It doesn't really exist. It's like a unicorn. It's total fantasy, and an oxymoron... (But some of us keep hoping....)

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11 Jan 2011 15:27 #15 by Residenttroll returns
King's a leader to the liberal agenda.

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11 Jan 2011 15:36 #16 by Martin Ent Inc

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11 Jan 2011 15:36 #17 by Rick
I think it would be more effective to keep every nutjob from getting within 1000 feet of government officials (and just as hard to enforce). King knows this is a bill just to make himself look good and capitalize on this tragedy...knowing full well it will never pass because it's a waste of time.

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy

George Orwell

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11 Jan 2011 16:00 #18 by Martin Ent Inc
I think it should be against the law for a politician to come within 1000' of an armed citizen

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11 Jan 2011 17:52 #19 by Rick

Martin Ent Inc wrote: I think it should be against the law for a politician to come within 1000' of an armed citizen

:thumbsup: Great idea, lets just make a new law that forces them to stay in DC ...they can campaign via the internet or tv. Works for me and they would be much safer.

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy

George Orwell

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11 Jan 2011 17:53 #20 by Mayhem
New York is incapable of producing a conservative much less voting one into office. A New York Republican is as authentic as a white rapper. rofllol And it would appear they are the last best hope moonbats of the left have to cling to. Their own leadership already discredited in the eyes of Americans and the world. rofllol

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